v slant nft set up what do you think


Well-Known Member
ok im gonna post in the design and set up area to put im designing my flowering set up right now and im looking for a little input. i know that for space and outright efficiency that a vertical grow is the best way to go but i cant do that right now so i figure the best way to increase surface area would be to slant the 2 grow tubes , ill call them tubes for now for lack of a better term, to form a v. i would slant them at a 30-40 degree angle. The rez will be at the bottom. I would use a sort of nft set up for this with water being pump to the top and letting it run down with gravity. it would look something like this
View attachment 178896

in order to further increase yield i want to scrog this possibly. can anyone tell me problems i might i have or issues i might run into with this set up.

one more question using an nft technique would i always run the pump or run it on/off or only a few times a day i know this depends on the medium which would be hydroton rocks so keep that in mind

when i finally settle on a design ill work out more specific details but any input is greatly appreciated thanks ahead of time


Well-Known Member
o yea one more thing if i were to do this would i want to hand the cooltube vertically its a 600w by the day