UVB/UVA diodes for home build.


Well-Known Member
After a bit of reading.

Found a nice article about uvb leds.

280nm UVB induces secretion of HMGB1 and apoptosis (death of the cells)

310nm UV-B induces the secretion of high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) enriching phytochemicals in plants. without inducing apoptosis.

In the case of agricultural applications, recently, it was discovered that the phytochemicals in fruit and vegetables can be enriched by using narrowband-310 nm UV-B light sources, even with a modest output power of around 20 mW.

Phytochemicals from plants can greatly reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

293nm 2.4 times more efficient than sunlight for producing vitamin D3 in the human body.

Both 310 nm-and 295 nm-emission UV-B LED devices are very useful for both medical and agricultural applications.

On average
295nm max 1.8mW

310nm max 2.7mW
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My 2 cents on 285nm (actually 280 and 275nm but close enough IMO
Luminous Devices XST-3535-UV-A60-CD280-00
08-31 19H 06M 58S.png
08-31 19H 19M 31S.png
The 60 degree lens limits the area that the LED covers, plants under the LED get burned while plants off to the side exhibit less "frostiness"

Luminous Devices XBT-3535-UV-A130-CD275-01
08-31 19H 07M 19S.png

08-31 19H 22M 53S.png

130 degree viewing angle should mean less burned plants and more even coverage but I have yet to install and complete a grow with the ones I have. They are also more efficient than the previous XST series but as driver options are limited I will probably use the same driver and end up drawing the same amount of power and getting more UV wattage as opposed to saving electricity and maintaining the same UV wattage.
280nm uvc is dangerous and even in the first post of the thread it is said to induce cell death in plants, so why go there? Stick to longer wavelengths.
280nm uvc is dangerous and even in the first post of the thread it is said to induce cell death in plants, so why go there? Stick to longer wavelengths.


DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.119446
Low doses of UV-B light (280 to 315 nm) elicit photomorphogenic responses in plants that modify biochemical composition, photosynthetic competence, morphogenesis, and defense. UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) mediates photomorphogenic responses to UV-B by regulating transcription of a set of target genes. UVR8 differs from other known photoreceptors in that it uses specific Trp amino acids instead of a prosthetic chromophore for light absorption during UV-B photoreception. Absorption of UV-B dissociates the UVR8 dimer into monomers, initiating signal transduction through interaction with CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1. However, much remains to be learned about the physiological role of UVR8 and its interaction with other signaling pathways, the molecular mechanism of UVR8 photoreception, how the UVR8 protein initiates signaling, how it is regulated, and how UVR8 regulates transcription of its target genes.

As I understand it, 285nm triggers THC production, much like 730nm tells cannabis to go to sleep.
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DOI: 10.1105/tpc.113.119446
Low doses of UV-B light (280 to 315 nm) elicit photomorphogenic responses in plants that modify biochemical composition, photosynthetic competence, morphogenesis, and defense. UV RESISTANCE LOCUS8 (UVR8) mediates photomorphogenic responses to UV-B by regulating transcription of a set of target genes. UVR8 differs from other known photoreceptors in that it uses specific Trp amino acids instead of a prosthetic chromophore for light absorption during UV-B photoreception. Absorption of UV-B dissociates the UVR8 dimer into monomers, initiating signal transduction through interaction with CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1. However, much remains to be learned about the physiological role of UVR8 and its interaction with other signaling pathways, the molecular mechanism of UVR8 photoreception, how the UVR8 protein initiates signaling, how it is regulated, and how UVR8 regulates transcription of its target genes.

As I understand it, 285nm triggers THC production, much like 730nm tells cannabis to go to sleep.

From what i understand, when you give your plant UV it produces more THC as a sunscreen to help protect the flowers. So yes it will help with THC production, but its also fairly dangerous if you dont know what youre doing. I really dont know, but i wouldnt be surprised if you get some weird cancer down the road if your not careful.