UVB Light?


According to Roseman's tutorial on this website, use of UBV lighting during flowering will increase yield.

Unlike Roseman's CFL garden, I am using a 600 watt HPS. Will I still benfit using UBV lights?

Please let me know soon because this Friday is one week into flowering and I will need to buy the UBV lights tomorrow or Thursday.

Thanks for your options!


Well-Known Member
They can also burn the DNA from your skin in minutes. They can damage your eyes from looking at them too. They are useful if flashed for 30 seconds on a plant once a day to eliminate bugs by killing them. More than that and you'll damage the marijuana plants DNA as well and it'll most likely perish. It will even turn it black if left on for a few minutes.

Spend your money on much wiser things, such as co2, a larger light, better nutrients, better air exchange, etc.... Those upgrades will produce yield increases. A UVB light is just asking for problems.


Well-Known Member
a uv light is a good idea, one that like a reptile would use. Thc and resin are sunscreen made to block uv light, among other things. So you should get higher thc levels.