UVA-UVB light increases tricomes?


Active Member
Yea i have an old UVA UVB light just hangin around my house and i was wondering cause i just read that UVA and UVB lights increase resin/ tricomes. Does anyone know or have tried this?


Active Member
any blue spectrum(flourescent light,Plasma light, or a white light) over 50watts will increase resin production noticeably.


Well-Known Member
I have very little info on it, and havent tried it myself (although I plan to) but it is supposed to change the terpenes which will help make the buzz more of a landrace type buzz.


Well-Known Member
^^^that's interesting, never heard anything about the buzz. Specific UV light is lower on the light spectrum(<400nm) than blue but thats's the right direction. UVB is what you are after. UVB florescence are what Stanford uses in their greenhouses as well as other facilities. I don't know the specific reasons why B is good an A isn't. UVB makes the plant increase resin and trichomes to protect its self from the UV like a sunscreen. It doesn't have any direct effect of yield...but definitely increases on oils, terpenes, and trichomes.


New Member
Yea i have an old UVA UVB light just hangin around my house and i was wondering cause i just read that UVA and UVB lights increase resin/ tricomes. Does anyone know or have tried this?
From Ed Rosenthal's Marijuana Growers Handbook:


Ultra-violet B light is a spectrum of light that is invisible to us but is visible to insects and some other organisms. In humans it causes suntan and sunburn and is implicated in the formation of eye cataracts. It is the light emitted by tanning bulbs.
UVB light also affects marijuana potency. The potency of high quality marijuana increases in direct ratio to the amount of UVB light it receives. This is very significant. In California, where the medical dispensaries operate in an unrestricted market; many dispensaries reject fall harvested outdoor material as inferior. They have found it lacks the potency of indoor crops and is a harsh smoke. However, when they were presented with marijuana grown outdoors but forced to ripen August 10, they accepted it as if it were indoor because of its high potency and lack of harshness. I think the harshness results from cool nights.
Indoors, under fluorescent and HPS lamps, gardens receive little UV-B light. Metal halides emit a bit more. However, there are ways of supplying your garden with UV-B light. Tanning lamps work, that is, lamps that tan people, because of the UV-B light they emit. Using tanning lamps will increase the THC content of the crop. Reptiles and lizards require the spectrum to stay healthy. So the spectrum usually comprises about 10 percent of their output. If you want to try tanning lamps they are available on the Internet. Use between 5-10 percent of your total wattage to these lamps. For a 1000-watt garden use 100 watts of special lighting.
Adding UV-B light to your garden will enhance your marijuana naturally, without “special formulas” and chemicals.

Hope that answers your question. :-P See the entire article at http://www.mjgrowers.com/book_what_exper1.htm :leaf::clap:


I read an article on flowering with blue lights as opposed to red lights and what i got from it was that blue spectrum produces tighter, more resin covered colas while red produces larger, fluffier buds, also, increased air flow over the plants during flowering will also increase the amount of resin produced. and of course, more resin means more thc :D


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the great info. I added the light to the bottom of the plant so the side shoot can get frostier Its only a 4 watter so i dont even know if it will work but im trying it anyway lol


U hav to set the uvb on a timer on its own only use it for like 6h of the 12_12 it doz work but not realy anymore then any other flowering stress metherd. An dont go in room with it on


Well-Known Member
Yea i have an old UVA UVB light just hangin around my house and i was wondering cause i just read that UVA and UVB lights increase resin/ tricomes. Does anyone know or have tried this?
Yes. Its not worth it. buy some of Humboldt's "Snow Storm Ultra" if works great for increased trichrome production. alot better than any UVB light ever could.
Your right your 4w UVB bulbs aren't going to do any thing. I've run two UVB 2.0 reptile lights there both 20w, those were run 1-2 inches from the plant on a 12/12 light cycle. they will increase trichrome production on the side the lights are facing (just like a sun burn would), but $20.00 a bulb and the electricity. Your further off to buy a $20.00 bottle of "Snow Storm Ultra" add if once a week until finish, and you'll have trichromes up the ass...