UV/B help! If you dare...

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Hey guys! been awhile since I've been on. My last account was deleted and I never bothered to sign up again. Anywho, glad to be back.

So, how does UV/B work? I understand this is a heavily debated topic but i'm really trying to get my trichomes to stand out. Don't get me wrong my bud is awesome as is, but I want to edge out the competition. Anyone have before and after trials? journals i can read? or any scientific papers? I've read about 3, 10 min sessions per day should do it. Can anyone verify? Any other suggestions will help!

*I understand P.H. and lighting is everything, just looking for some advanced techniques.


i dont know to muc habout this topic but im sure someone can help you here, it does sound like it would work in theory, but again, im not sure, best of luck though

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
I know! if i can get a definitive answer I can lay the subject to rest! lol just trying to be the best i can be and produce the best i can. Might as well go all in for the trouble. I'll give your link a read!