Using T5 Sun Blaze for Vege room


Active Member
Thanks to all of the good people out there for answering questions again. you are all a bunch of gems! :clap:

But i have one more for you, ....if you don't mind. :)

I have been thinking of mostly using flouro lights for clones in the vege room, aswell as a metal halite light for the mummys.

But recently I have been impressed with what i have read on the T5 8 bulb set ups. Would it be a good idea to use blue spectrum bulbs in one of these fixtures in the vege room. I would think that the extra lumens would allow the clones to grow happier and healthier than standard flouro set-ups, and maybe i would not need the metal halite bulb aswell for mother plants?

Your advide is much appreciated as always :eyesmoke:
hello again. Mix the bulbs 1/2 red, 1/2 blue. You provide better light for the plants that way. I will be using them for all of my lights, vegging, flowering and the mothers. The fixture has a footprint that fits pefect over my tables, 32" by 48". If thats the area you have your mothers and clones in the only thing you will have to do is put the clones up higher and move them down as they grow instead of moving the light up. You will be much happier with the t-5 light. 440watts, 40,000 lumens, right on top of the plants, both spectrums, better than the 'enhanced spectrum' bulbs, saves you 2' of height, less heat issues...stop me anytime if you've heard all this before. VV
Thanks very much VV...... you've got me thinking! :)

How many plants do you grow under each T5 -8 ? In your photo there looked to be 16 or so, and they looked quite large.

You must be doing something right! :)
Do you have seperate rooms for vegetating and flowering VV?

If i were to use T5-8 fixtures in 2 seperate rooms, would it be better to use red spectrum in one room, and blue in the other? - i would have thought if you want to keep your mothers from flowering, you can not give them any red light. also, i thought that baby clones would be better with blue light. aslo, the flowering room would grow better in red light?? i was thinking of using 2 rooms for a faster yeild.

I do apologise if you already answered this question in your last post..