Using T5 High Fixtures?


New Member
I was looking at the Hydrofarm T5 High Output Fluorescent Fixtures and I wanted to know for the 8 tube set up how effective that would be in a small closet?

Closet apx 4'x4'x8' and I will be growing big bud plants along with a few selected unknown strain seeds from high quality stuff.

As well would this be a relative cheap and efficent set up to use especially with heat concerns? The guy at the store swears up and down on its effectiveness.

As well how many plants could I get away with? I was planning on growing apx 4 feet high. I was kind of concerned about the seeds I am unaware of mixed with the big bud. I should of waited but I was impatient. However if need be I will throw out the unknown was in a heart beat if I feel they could jeporadize my big bud strain.

I figured the fixture was so huge that at least 7 plants could easily thrive off. I will more then likely use same fixture for flowering or switch to a cool tube lighting ( if finances can afford it)


Well-Known Member
i've been using T5's high output in my closet of about 2.5" by 3.5" on 5 babies for the last month in veg, they've been loving it although its taking longer than a MH from what i've seen. i just got an HPS for flowering because i think it'll help with yield quite a bit.

it is much cheaper and efficient for veg, but i'm going to use it only for that because i'm cutting my closet in half with the top 3 feet for veg bottom 5 for flower,

i don't know about the seeds but you should maybe try the unknown, you'll probably see if it looks decent or not you can throw it out because the 8 tube setup is pretty massive, i've been using a 2 foot 4 tube setup and i've had to do some LST'ing and lots of moving around and everything but my 5 have been doing well, can't tell you about them in flowering though since i'm moving to HPS. good luck !


New Member
What if i buy a hps set up for the flowering such as a 600 watt system cool tube. Would the heat be a issue seeing how the tube would only be using the attic for the air? Just a thought

as well seeing how the 8 tube set up is so massive how many plants can I get off of this ? As well due to such a small space that would be alot of light per cubic foot.


Well-Known Member
yea you could get a lot of plants under there, especially for veg, but when they get bigger you might have some space issues. i have 5 females and i know it might get pretty crowded in there by the end. heat really shouldn't be much of an issue the lights don't get too hot but you're still going to want some fans on the plants.

also depends where you are, i'm right at the beach and its always pretty close to 80 but heat does get trapped in attics and such so if its hot up there from the start it might be a problem...but the t5's don't emit much heat you'll have an easier time with them than any other light


Well-Known Member
if yer using seeds too you might as well start out with a bunch so that you hopefully get a lot of females out of the total


New Member
Im in texas and it is hot and humid. As well I dont have access to my attic so I can only vent out and hope for the best. I do plan on using cpu fans to build sturdy stems on my plants.

I plan on doing ventilation its just figuring ultimately how to do so if I can not get access in the attic. I figured I just cut two holes in the celing and do it that way and attach the vent tube with a vortex fan and of course odor control.

Now you were saying something about getting crowded in flowering stage? How crowded would ya say each plant takes up?

right now I am using the hydroponic rapid rooter with tray and germinate 10 big bud seeds for 420 and apx 8 seeds unknown strainfrom high quality potent bud and 7 unknown seeds picked from good quality regular.

I was slightly afraid of plants f**** up my big bud plants. Would that be an issue if I carefully monitor for sexes?

I will start a grow journal soon when I get a camera and my t5 light fixture.

As of now my big bud seeds are at DAY 2

The other seeds are at DAY 5 and DAY 2