Using Rapid rooter AND/OR RAPID start


Hello and merry x mas y'all. I was looking at Rapid rooters on amazon. They seem to have amazing reviews. But before finding that product, I bought Rapid Start by GH.

My question is, is it ok to use both? Or should I focus on 1 or the other?

Going to be using it on a autoflower pineapple express.
Yes you can use both. I just want to say personally I hate rapid rooters. I’m very big on aesthetics in my garden and when they start coming out of the ground as the plant gets bigger it drives me nuts. I feel like a bottle or bag of mycos is a better option as well but that’s just me. Good luck to you on your grow!
This run I’m going with Orca. I haven’t seen the root ball yet to say it’s amazing. Great White was good. Extreme was good.