Using my Shroomz for CO2???


Well-Known Member
Would putting a cooler of fruiting mushrooms in my flowering room for the extra C02 be a bad idea?

Im just wondering if theres any kind of air borne disease or fungus the shroomz might give my plants, that would be bad news.


Well-Known Member
I've heard of commercial operations in the pacific northwest that produce lots of pounds of cyanescens and lots of pounds of bud. It's safe for your plants. The humidity is different for a flowering room and a mushroom fruiting room. You'd need like a tent inside your tent with a humidifier in it. Or the cooler, but that's not going to produce enough CO2 really. To grow enough mushrooms to augment your room with them, you'll need to be fruiting on a bulk substrate. I suck at inoculating bulk substrate though. I'm going to experiment with this method next year some once I have the $$$ to build a tent that is HEPA filtered and sealed well.


Well-Known Member
no way a cooler full of mushrooms would produce enough CO2 to effect a marijuana grow.

you'd probably get more CO2 into the room by sitting/breathing/smoking in there occasionaly