Using microbe life with synthetic nutes???


Active Member
Hey everyone I’m interested in potentially introducing microbe life hydro products to my grow.
I run Athena nutes in coco. Would this combo work well or would the synthetic nutes make the microbes life useless?
Anyone have experience with this scenario here? Thanks in advance.
Fungi would be almost useless to you but not Microbes. I would advise to stay away from Athena cleanse when using microbes because it is a hypochlorus acid that is very efficient at killing bacteria... But you can absolutely benefit from using Microbes... You can also add them in ad a foliar spray if you want to add them in a simple way. My favorite are Key To Life Microbes. These guys also have a biological line cleaner that is also comprised of microbes and is bad ass.
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Thanks for the input! I’ve cut out cleanse and have been using some microbes and stuff ina tea concoction and my plants are happier than ever!