Using food grade DE (diatomaceous earth) powder in dwc for silicia ?


New Member
Hey Guys,

I have a question for everybody.

has anyone ever used food grade diatomaceous earth in their dwc setup for the purpose of adding silicia ?

I have a ten pound bag I use for pest control and stuff and was wondering if anyone else has tried using it in dwc?

ive been researching and can’t find anything online about use of DE in a hydro setup.

I started adding a small scoop into my Rez once a week and I’m not sure if it’s doing anything..
Forgot to mention, would I just be better off buying a liquid silicia additive ? And if so does anybody know of an affordable good quality silicia ?
Thanks everybody!
Diatomaceous earth does not belong in a deep water culture. We are pretty much all about natural soil these daze but I’ve grown hydro/aero/dwc for many years. While DE is an excellent deterrent for fungus gnats in soil and also a good source of silica it is usually used more as an insect repellent than supplemental silica. Like everything else in a natural soil grow DE has to be broken down through decomposition in order to become available as silica in its elemental form. Soluble silica in liquid form is probably your best bet in a hydroponic situation though I’m not sure it will really hurt much in your reservoir other than generally gunking things up. To be honest I never used silica in any of my hydro grows and didn’t really miss it...
I should add that I still use DE on the top surface of my aerocloner to deter the occasional gnat while the flying ones get stuck on yellow sticky traps...
Get a pound of Agsil 16H water soluble potassium silicate for $20. DE isn't going to dissolve. But you don't need added silica to grow cannabis.

Wow thanks guys. I’m scouring forums for people’s advice and tips and I keep seeing people say if you’re looking to buy additives silica is the best one and that it helps so much so that’s why I’m even asking about it. Lol. I really appreciate all your advice!
Wow thanks guys. I’m scouring forums for people’s advice and tips and I keep seeing people say if you’re looking to buy additives silica is the best one and that it helps so much so that’s why I’m even asking about it. Lol. I really appreciate all your advice!

What do they say it helps? I always hear that it makes the stems stronger. I'm trying to grow flowers not stems.
Ya I guess that makes sense right if it’s helps the stems that’s great and all but the main priority is the buds so I suppose it really isn’t all that important. Thanks a lot for helping me see that !!! :)

hey do any of you guys use beneficials? I also want to brew a microbial tea or I’m thinking of using pondzyme . Any thoughts ?