Using floresent in a Black Light???


Well-Known Member
i have a black light bulb, and the thing u put the black light into....but im wondering if i could take a floro bulb and put it where the black one is sopposed to go?
would this still work? would it light up the floro bulb?
yeah, you'd be fine as long as it fits stock, and the power ratings check out. every floro light Ive seen had the same power requirements as a black light. similarly, you can get blacklight bulbs that fit in a standard office sized slot. Someday when I when the World Series of Poker, I'm going to work early and change all their floros to blacklights.
i know this threads well outa date but i just had to comment, dude blacklight tubes ARE flouro tubes just a different colour, if its the same size and wattage then its exactly what the fitting was made for!

gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
dont waste ur time u need real flo grow bulbs to make something nice happen there no more then 150 for the best one i would invest on it ur first harvest will pay for all your gear