using co2 to regulate tank ph

bouncy bob

Active Member
hi yall

all good in the hood...

as many of you, sick of dealing with ph flutuationsin my tank. Came across an item on ebay that is not only a digital ph meter, but supposedly regulates ph using co2 and o2..

Does anyoneknow if these things work? money is tight and dont want to be buying stuff that wont do the job, but always up for a purchase if it saves time and hassle....



Well-Known Member
Yes they work and if you want to look up different ones go to a pet supply website, they use them to regulate the PH in marine aquariums. They usually are kinda expensive, basically you hook a co2 tank up to an electric solenoid and then put ph probe in the tank and it releases co2 based on the ph readings.

bouncy bob

Active Member
believe they fix up to a co2 bottle 80-90 bucks on ebay from china...

seems like a good investment 2 me...
