Using Co2 Bottle with regulator, HELP FAST NEEDED!:)


Hi. I have the UNIS Co2 Controller and i have an secret jarden darkroom 240 tent, sealed with AC. When I use the UNIS co2 Controller I can calculate the room size on the controller, but can I just leave this on all tru the day?! i know its no point at night. but im afraid the controller is not for using in an sealed room. and the ppm of co2 will be to high. i mean the controller just lets out co2 every 4 min. want this just build up inside the tent???!
this is what it say on the manual:

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]GrowTent size?DR240 has a cubic capacity of 15m[SUP]3[/SUP].Looking on the chart on page 4 we see that we need to choose setting6 on the Unis controller .Choosing setting 6 means that the GasRegulator will dose each time for apx. 6 seconds.How much CO[SUB]2[/SUB] perdose?The Gas regulator has a preset Gas delivery rate of 17ltrs perminute. Setting number 6 on the Unis doses for 6 seconds, that’s1 tenth of a minute.So the amount of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] releasedper dose is 1.7ltrs of CO[SUB]2[/SUB] Gasinto your grow tent.How often does the UNIS dose?The timer in theUnis is preset to make a dose every 240 seconds (4 minutes)You canfurther regulate this by plugging the Unis into a 24hour timer sothat it is only powered ON in the DAY cycle for example.Whenshould the UNIS dose?The Unis is designed to ideally dose CO[SUB]2[/SUB] intoa grow tent after an air extraction. The new air introducedafter an extraction event will fill the room with clean fresh airthat should have a background level of around 400ppm. Whatwill the CO[SUB]2[/SUB] PPMlevel in the grow tent be using a UNIS?Using our example growtent:Dosing CO[SUB]2[/SUB] for6 seconds in a grow tent of around 15m3 volume should raise theCO[SUB]2[/SUB] ppmup from a background level of apx. 400ppm up to around 1600ppmand so give your plants a excellent boost of Carbon Dioxide[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
You calculate the room size.

Adjust the UNIS to match and then put the solenoid on a timer for the light cycle.

Ideally you would have a monitor too but its not essential with the UNIS.

This should then burst to keep your room near 1500ppm.

Don't forget the plants utilise the extra Co2. M
