using apple cider for ph buffering


Active Member
hey guys
im not that well known a member tho some of you might know i live in Iran and getting some stuffs for my girls costs shitloads
i need to buffer the ph of my pots theyre showing 8.5 right now there is no ph down solution on market here so i thought i improvise and mix my own using vinegar or apple cider and much should i mix of either of them and how should i use it?


Well-Known Member
Sulfur can lower it, to much lime can raise it. try one or the other, have sweet soil is the hardest to get right,
I am really not sure about apple cider or vinegar, have not read anything about that, let me know if that's all you have and it works, always nice to get tips.
Good luck Joe.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use it. Add it to the water till you get a stabilized water PH. Go low. 5.5-6.0. Pour it to the plants on a dry day. As you're pouring. Check the run off PH. Stop adding the mix when you get a reading of about 6.0-7.0. Add plain water to finish watering the pot if it needs more water.

Next watering using plain. Check the run off. It's still alkaline, repeat with the Apple cider, lemon juice, or vinegar. If it refuses to lower and stabilize. Sulfur time.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can use it. Add it the water till you get a stabilized PH. Pour it to the plants on a dry day. As you're pouring. Check the run off PH. Next watering using plain. Check the run off. It's still alkaline, repeat with the Apple cider, lemon juice, or vinegar. If it refuses to lower and stabilize. Sulfur time.
That does work hey? Lemon juice also huh, cool well that is a new thing. Good to know... thanks