Useful Information about Hydrogen Peroxide


Active Member
:!:The following information was obtained from-----

Ways to use Hydrogen Peroxide in the Garden.

The benefits of hydrogen peroxide for a garden can be useful for any kind of a garden, and any method of gardening. Peroxide is great for plants that are planted in the ground, and it’s also great for plants in containers -- it is useful in hydroponic gardens, raised beds, and greenhouses.
Similarly, peroxide for gardening applies well with all kinds of plants: a rose garden, herb garden, vegetable garden, orchard, shade trees, flower garden or lawn -- any or all of these would benefit from hydrogen peroxide.
Peroxide works by releasing oxygen. It acts as an oxygen supplement for plants. It seems to really support both good health and strong growth for plants.
Hydrogen peroxide can also help with soil fungus: it aerates the soil, and it is anti-fungal. (It is also anti-bacterial.)
Ways to use peroxide in the garden

  • General fertilizer, either in plant water or sprayed on foliage.
  • For sick plants. Spray on the leaves and add to water.
  • Hydroponic gardening. Hydroponic gardeners often use peroxide to feed plants, by adding it to the watering system.
  • Spray on tree cuts, to prevent infection.
  • As a spray in the greenhouse, to control mold and mildew.
  • Sprouting seeds before planting. Added to the water that seeds soak in, the seeds will sprout faster and grow stronger.
  • Rooting cuttings. Added to the water, if you’ve put the cuttings directly into water. Or, if you’ve put the cuttings into soil or medium, use peroxide in the water you’re using to water the cuttings with.
  • Mold or fungus on plants or in the soil. Hydrogen peroxide will help to control mold on plants or in the soil. If you’ve got mold on the plant, spraying the leaves is probably best…
  • Weed killer. I’ve never used it this way, and I’m not sure I would want to… but I’ve read that 10% hydrogen peroxide will kill weeds. Personally, I would rather pull the weeds up. If you do decide to try this, I certainly would NOT use 10% peroxide close to other plants… and I would come back later and add a LOT of water after the unwanted plants ("weeds") have died. This is very very very concentrated……
How much peroxide to use in the garden….

Use this link......The charts looked fine until I hit submit post. If anyone know how to fix it let me know.

To water or mist plants, to soak seeds, to add to water used to wash sprouts:

To spray on sick or fungusy plants:

As you may notice, the amount of peroxide in the chart for sick and fungusy plants is twice as much as in the first chart. I have heard of people using stronger solutions, but more is NOT always better. So be careful, and when in doubt, stay safe. You can always apply more another day. If you decide to use a bit more, please make it only a bit more, don't get carried away. Gardening with hydrogen peroxide is great, but too much can harm your plants. 10% hydrogen peroxide is recommended as a week killer -- in other words it will kill your plants at that concentration....

Also on that page is a link to a science experiment regarding seedlings and cuttings and hydrogen peroxide. (their link doesn't work, but this one does)

Hope this helps answer some questions about peroxide and its uses in the garden.


Active Member
One thing I didn't notice in the article is how often should you treat with hydrogen peroxide. Every watering? Once a week? Does anyone use this as part of the regular routine or just to treat problems??


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of research/details about it in my Goin Loco link, I have used it, but the results are not final