Urine For Fert?


Active Member
I have heard allot about using human urine to supply plants with extra sources of nitrogen, does anyone know about this, i have heard from a couple sources about this? my plants are a little over a week old also, so should i wait to dilute urine with water until they are 3 weeks or older?:blsmoke:


Active Member
they are in veg and its only been a week, i dont know if that will actually define the taste but i would definitely dilute a small amount with a large amont of water...i dont know any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
exactly as you said. Dilute HUMAN urine in water there should be little or no discoloration to the water after mixing. Fresh urine is all I will use I only use it in THAT days water.

There are more nutrients in human urine than just nitrogen. Do a google search I think you'll find a lot of uses.


Active Member
I'm a noob to marijuana growing so you can feel free to take this with a grain of, well, salt, but... if I recall my biology, human urine contains more salt (sodium chloride) than anything. So if you diluted the urine enough to avoid harming the plants, I think you'd dilute the beneficial compounds (urea, mainly) even more.


Well-Known Member
Alot of ppl try this, but it is just no good.

No, it is not a good idea to put urine on/in your nutes....
Piss is waste - not juicy fresh nutes waiting to be eaten.

Get some nutes at the grow store and pee in the toilet... :)

If you pee in your plants it probably will do more harm then good.
If i was on a deserted island, i might pee on my plants... but with internet, you can order nutes to your door.


Well-Known Member
if your growing for personal use, and your not going to spend your money on nutes, and you plants need Nitrogen.....then a little pee in your water would prob. help the plant.


Well-Known Member
Please read before you post. Look it up on google if you dont believe me and dont go looking up pee marijuana or something stupid like that. use a string like urine fertilizer.


Active Member
I can't believe some people would rather piss on their plants and grow them in cow shit than actually just going out and spending $20 on good fertilizer and soil.

Pretty baffling.


Well-Known Member
well "good fertalizer" is made from nuclear power plant waste and the salts can be very radioactive, miracle grow and osmocote are some of the worst, and bone meal is made from fish and can have lots of lead and murcury in it. marijuana is good at absorbing toxins, thats why they plant hemp on buried landfills...I don't worry that much about it and it's not a big deal in my eyes. I personally wouldn't don't use urine unless i came upon my plants very dificient and had no way of getting back with nutes soon(a week or so) but it does work, the few times i found stubby yellow plants (N def) and gave them the emergency treatment, i came back with osmocote and they were growing faster than before and regaining some color.


Active Member
hey dudes, stop gettin allll riled up! human urine has many nutrients, i was just asking about these, seeing that many grow guides have mentioned it, not to much detail but hey i guess i will just use blood meal, I bought this miracle gro portine blood meal, its not from fish its derived from swine, haha anyways thanks alot for all your feedback guys:twisted: i was just interested, i have plenty of ferts just askin


Active Member
Human urine makes an excellent high nitrogen liquid fertiliser for most plants. Dilute it 10 to 1 and pour it over and or round fast growing plants once a week; like vegetables, Green manure crops and sugar cane. Indeed just about anything that you want to push along rapid green growth

Studies indicate that each person’s waste fluids can provide enough nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to grow a year’s supply of wheat and maize for that person. According to some studies, human waste can be an even more effective fertilizer than animal manure.

Urine, which comprises 90 percent of human waste, contains about 80 percent of our waste’s fertilizer value. It can be applied to field crops without treatment because it is generally sterile. By the way "fresh urine" does not contain any bacteria, unless the person has a urinary tract infection, so you could even use it to wash out wounds without causing any infections,

Human urine can be used as an alternative to chemical fertilizer to reduce pollution in air, water and soil and help avoid or control other environmental hazards which surface due to the use of chemical fertilizer, Human urine contains nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium at a much higher ratio than in commercial fertilizers and is environmentally safe to use.

If you want to use urine to fertilize your gardens, keep in mind that when urea becomes ammonia, it also becomes volatile and part of it strips into the air. Both ammonia and nitrates are also very soluble and if not picked up by plant's root systems can enter groundwater with the irrigation water. So it would be best to keep gardens moist but not over watered, but these are similar problems faced by people who use other forms of fertilizers.When using a urine fertilizer in container plants, a 10:1 (water: urine) ratio can quickly burn plants in medium to small containers because of the salt and urea build-up, even at a 15:1 dilution rate is very strong for the medium to small containers. While at 20:1 you can use it more frequently (once or twice a week) with good benefits and little danger.Unfermented urine can supposedly be sprayed as a fungicide. Indigenous people in southeastern Mexico claim that the use of urine as a fungicide was a traditional Mayan practice.While in Korea, they spray the undiluted urine as an insecticide SO THERE WE GO DUDES


Active Member
hhaha, just good to know if your little cousin ends up peeing on your outdoor shit that it will develope ok:blsmoke: word up


Active Member
i not wanna smoke his buds, plants are the same as us they are what they eat, and i no wanna smoke piss i wouldnt freebase or nebulize my own piss either for that matter...........lol
why not grow a plant in using your own shit as medium and then water it with your own piss?


Well-Known Member
fuck man people be trippin about the taste and all tis other stuff... do you taste the cow shit from the fertilizer?
to m urine isnt that gross compared to bat shit tea.
its been proven to provide plants with extra nitrogen and well you have to be a dumb fuck to straight piss on your plants dilute it and it will help.
i hope that all fellow organic gowers agree with me, if not fuck it thats your decision. OVER GROW THE GOVERNMENT.