URGENT! Why are they drooping so bad??!?!?


Well-Known Member
They were drooping already a bit this morning when I first checked them. We have been having a problem with knats so I was trying to find a solution for that this morning. All of a sudden I check on them about an hour later and they look twice as bad! The humidity was down to about 30 so I turned the humidifier back on and now its up to about 40-45% right now.

Any suggestions or ideas would be of great help!



Well-Known Member
Could be thirsty, but if you say you've been having gnat problems they could be fuckin up your roots.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they need a drink !
It has been a few days but i think because of having our A/C freeze and the temp being higher than usual it dried the soil out more than usual. We gave them each a round and they seem to be picking up. The lights are about to go out so we got it done just in time. We will have to wait till the morning to see how much it has helped!

Thanks for all the advice!


Active Member
Its hard to say due to the lighting in the picture, can you get another one posted without the yellow light blasted on them? All I can say for sure is they need some water.