Urgent!!! Nervous noob! Autoflower problems!!!


New Member
hello all! i have recently started my first grow with some sweet seeds cream caramel autos, as well as some northern lightsxbig bud (5 plants in all). at the moment, i'm 7 days in. it looks as if my plants have stalled growth and they are drooping a bit. they're also stretching, and a bit of a darker green than i think they should be. i have started in a small closet that's roughly 3' X 4'. i'm using ffof mixed 70/30 with organic perlite, which is giving pretty good drainage. i'm trying to follow protocol and make sure i don't over water. there are 300W of T5's spread out among the plants. there is also a small fan circulating air through the closet, and mylar lining the walls. i plan on picking up a ph meter when i can make it to town, i was wondering if any of you could take a look at my girls and see what you think the problem is (if any)... thanks for any help, in advance. and remember... i'm a noob, so go easy on me. =]



Active Member
They look fine and your setup sounds good. They seem to take off after 4 weeks.

Be sure the soil dries out a bit using the knuckle test before watering them again, and there will be no water problems. But it sounds like you probably already know this.

People are going to tell you to freak out about ph. It's a good idea to get that meter sooner than later. It's also a good idea to feed them distilled water. They'll grow either way.


New Member
thanks smokin'. do you have a lot of experience with autos? i decided to start with them because i heard they were the best way to learn. thanks for the advise. i'm trying to learn as much as i can, so all input is appreciated. i hope to grow just enough for personal use, year round.
I'm no pro but they look pretty good so far. My little ones were slow growing at first, prob the first 3-4 wks. I had some reg GE 40w fluorescents over them about 18 inches. They grew slow and steady everyday bigger leaves ot a new set. Around wk 3 I lowered the floros to about 4 inches from the tops and bam! They doubled in leaf growth and width. Good to curb stretch. The floros don't produce much heat so you can get them nice and close and get tight nodes. I'm learning everyday too lol


New Member
thanks a lot stoke! i really hope they are ok, cuz i plan on giving those ladies some serious attention after harvest. i guess i'm just a worrier. i'm still a bit concerned about the droopy leaves, but i'm trying to take it a day at a time.