Uprgade reflector and bulb, or just the bulb.


Well-Known Member
I have been using two 600w grow kits with cooltubes from Apollo (like this) for my last two grows, and things have been going well. But I know things can be better. I know changing my bulb from the generic apollo HPS to a Ushio or Hortilux bulb will make a difference. I am just not to sure if spending $350 on reflectors is worth it over the ones I already have.

I have a 4'x8' area to work with, and have decided that I want to try doing a 4 plant scrog instead of 4-6 mainlined plants. I have had my eye on the Blockbuster 6" reflectors based on this test.

So what do you think Spend $470 on two bulbs and two reflectors, or just spend $120 on bulbs?


Before I upgraded 2my current setup I was in the same situation and chose 2go with the bulb. A better bulb will make you feel better. Get the reflector your next grow if you think ya still need it.


Well-Known Member
Make your own reflector for now and get the Ushio's. There are so many do it yourself ways to make reflectors on a dime, get creative


Well-Known Member
I run 2x600w in a 5x10x7 tent. I had the Apollo kit they sell with the xxl hood and cool tube. its probably the same one you (op) have. I upgraded my hood first to a Big Kahuna 6" a/c hood x2. big improvement in light spread. fills out my room very nicely, even on the side/end walls vs the Apollo hoods. I do plan on upgrading my bulbs as well (swap them every 18-19 weeks) to those Ushio bulbs. hoping for a better yield form what the specs say about it.

the big kahuna hoods are very heavy. most tents might barely be able to support 1, 2 forget about it. mine are hung from joists by 600# carabineers and 600# chain. they have 2 options for the cooling ducting, either ---- or from the top like a chimney. the mogul sockets are on adjustable plates (up/down left/right). they do have their issues. the glass doesn't seal properly. a 3.00 pack of weather stripping 3/4" wide fixes that (found at Wmart). you must also silicone the ducting stacks after you secure them. they leak a lot, the seal and some rivits as well.