Upping Nutrients?


Active Member
I have a question about nutrients. Right now I have 2 AIs and 1 AK48 in flower and they love their nutes.

I bought the 3 part Flora series and really like it, but this is my first time using it. Right now I am mixing 18 mL micro, 15 mL grow, and 24 mL bloom with about 12 mL KoolBloom. I don't have a ppm meter so I have no idea what it is.

So my question is: if I am seeing no signs of stress from nutrients should I keep upping them until I see a little burn- and I mean just a little.

Or does upping the nutes not really matter at a certain point- like am I wasting nutrients at some point?

I just don't know what the answer is. I want to think that the more nutes they take up the bigger and healthier they will be- including the buds.
