Upgrading my growroom - New to Ebb and Flow system


Active Member
Howdy all,

I got a self contained space (4"x3"x7") that I have been using with 2 Orion garden systems for the past few years. In the room is a 1000 and 400 watts lamp in cool tubes that are connected to a 6 and 4 inch fans that blow out the hot air into some air filters. I have a passive air intake that bring in some cold fresh air and a few fans to keep things moving around. I was growing 18 plants and getting some very nice results with no heat, moisture or bug problems.

I've just got a ebb and flow 3x3 table and I am looking to grown by Sea of Green method and see how that works out for me. Also looking to use the same equipement ( I do have an extra 400 watts I could use, but that means more air out).

Dude told me that I could put a plant every 3 inches (in rockwool cubes) for a total of 72 plants in 9 square feet as long as I flipped them when they are 6 inches high. I got some doubts about that many plants.

I was hoping I could get some insight from some pro's on here on what they think would be a the max I can stick in my 3x3. I'm not looking to grow them very high (3.5 feet max) and sadly due to my real job I can only do one crop this year, so really want to max out on the total output.
As a side note I cant do CO2 as my fans run 24/7 to keep the room under control.
