updated first grow opnion? tips? theres pics! i need pro mang!


Active Member
This is my first grow ever! but i need an evaluation over here cuz i dont know much. so humble me. i read online that to make it bushy to prune the lower leaves to sprout two more branches in there place, so i did that because my lower leaves looked deformed and stunted anyway. i want to know if this was a good decision and if the little leaves growing off the "pruned nodes" are the two branch sprouts or male plant sex parts, also tell me what you think of my plant they said it was ww but the leaves almost look kush like ?:/ what do da homies think???????????? here four pics of the nodes the plant and the leaves yaaaana!



Well-Known Member
iv not heard of anyone trimming the bottom leaves to mak it bushier but im no expert? people 'top' the plants in order for it to branch out more instead of there being one main cola when flowering comes around.

what's your set up? lights etc?

plants looks healthy though. nice work


Well-Known Member
dont chop shade leaves off and to make it bushy you have to top it like fyfe said. you dont need to top yet if at all, you could tie it down lst it which i prefer.apart from that it looks healthy.if you get time check my 12-12 from seed journal, good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude you "top" the plant to make it bushier plus it gives you 2 colas instead of one. Trimming the lower branches is a step you do at the beginning of flowering.
You get rid of all the little braches you know wont yeild a mature bud.
Since this is your first grow, dont get carried away.
Over-watering and over-feedeng are the 2 leading causes of failure, and im sure overpruning is running a close third.
When it comes to caring for Mary, less is more.


Active Member
here me out guys , my friend had seven ww and then he moved and took his plants all sep one because he thought it was dead. me being the caring guy i am brought the "dead" plant back to life! it was less than an inch tall ,and when it grew the leaves that sprouted around that "dead" time " they barley grew at all and were deformed! i saw that healthy sprout were just waiting for me on the nodes of the runt leaves and so i cpruned them so the plant can focuse its energy on the new growth hopfully giving me two healthy branches instead of one wilting one thus icreasing my yeild at harvest> and by the way the leaves i cut of i made tea out of so does that sound all bad?


Active Member
BTW i grow it outside while the sun is actually out and then to complete the 18/6 cycle i put in my makeshift growroom under a 25w cfl with homemade reflecter hood and does she look healthy to you ? thats cus what i feed her my recipe for a nitrogen and other nutrient food is a 20 oz water bottle take the cap and scoop out a halve cap of used coffee grounds put it in the bottle < pee in the bottle till youve reached about three tablespoons of urine AKA "urea which is the main ingredient in all plant food" then fill up with water , shake it and serve and mt girl lovs it to death!!!!