Update on my growroom!!!


Well-Known Member
Today I have been very busy cutting tubes, foam board, plastic...ok you get it. I went with the foamboard idea for building my walls and found some at home depot with a reflective side for $10. I also set up my ebb and flow system today which also has a 1ft airstone in the res for added oxygen. I have the timer set to run the pump and airstone every 2 hours for 30 mins at a time. Is that a good schedule? I still have to build some sort of front piece to my box. I dont want to do it out of foamboad because it will be too hard to take it off and on when I need to tend to my plants. Any suggestions for a door/front with easy opening? I dont want to use a tarp because it will not be airtight. As you can see my "cloning" area is next to the res and I will be using an aerogarden for cloning. I plan on fitting 2 carbon filters into the left side when I find a good DIY for carbon filters/scrubbers. The fan in the picture is really big but I have 2 others that look just like it but are very small that I will use to vent air out of the box and through my filters. I am going to be growing blue cheese so odor control is one of my top priorities. Until my seeds arrive I am just practicing with some basil and stuff to get the feel for things. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.




New Member
did u build that ebb n flow system yourself if so what parts are needed i want to build one my own i read about it but i want to hear from someone first hand


Well-Known Member
Yea I built it myself. Heres a list of what mine is made of...(4-6 plants)

Flood+Drain Fixtures-$10- Ask at your hydroponic shop
Water pump for fish tanks-$6- Mine is 130 gph (gallons per hour)
Hoses-$6- You need one hose to connect to the drain fixture then back into your res and another hose connected from the water pump to the flood fixture.
Resevoir-$4- Mine is 16 gallons. I fill it about 1/2 way so I dont have to use up my nutes so fast
*Airstone*-$15 (with air pump, hose, and airstone) This is optional and adds gives more oxygen to the water you feed your babies with. If you want to use one you need to get a small airpump, an airstone, and hosing to connect the two.
Flood Table-$6- Go to home depot and ask for a cement mixing tray.

As you can see its under $50 for the whole thing.

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
Very Good setup... looks sturdy and is well isolated.. i notice you also have a good three part nutrient solution and every thing needed to maintain a superb Ebb & Flo. The only thing i could suggest is to get some mylar reflective sheeting, if you havent already got it that is.. You shouldnt have any problems just as long as you monitor your nutrient solution.... Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I have one of those space blankets. where would you use it? I was thinking about attaching it to the inside of whatever i make my door out of. Speaking of my door...any suggestions on that?


Well-Known Member
The doc sent them yesterday so i would say about another 5 days or so. Just getting used to my new setup with the basil.