Update on my grow! PIX! and question


Active Member
Ok here they are starting into week 4. There are bud sites everywhere but they dont look to have much mass yet, can I expect massave swelling in they next 4-5 weeks or what? 1000 hps flowering. also do I need to worry about adding the Co2 anymore, or should I shut it off?

here is the top 5 inches of my favorite one.

its amazing, within the last few days the glands started opening up and every day more and more frost... Mmmm.

a portion of what all the plants look like, 6 bc godbud lady's.

So how much yeild can I expect from this you think?


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
And to answer your question about yields, you said your using 1000watt hps that means you'll get atleast 400 grams total.


Active Member
I dont really know Im supposed to use 2 cfm for about 15 min out of every hour to keep levels up in my 4x4x8 space, but I got It down to .7 cfm all time to keep a more constant level, as to ppm... no Idea