Update on my first grow let me know what you think!


To people who said I started out growing to many plants, you were right, I had no idea how large some of these would get, now that I harvested all the autoflowers I'm now waiting about 7 weeks for my other non autos to finish flower. I have 2 sour diesel 2 skunk #1 and 1 cheese plant. I didn't care for the autos just not impressed with there yield or quality, I'm going to do the rest of my auto seeds outside and maybe it'll change my mind but I'm sure loving how this sour diesel is growing tho. Here's pics let me know what u think. I'm going to remove that fan an get a smaller one this week to open up some space in their. So far so good just waiting, I'm on day 17 of flowering. Any guesses on how much ill yield would be great guys I'm so curious about that. I'm using a 1000 watt hps hortilux red eye ( I bought 3 for $50 ) but probably just going to do 600 watts next time I think the thousand watt is excessive in such a small grow area and the 600 watt probably won't lower my yields my to much but again please give me advice and guesses on the yield. Thanks for all the help guys you helped me get to this point in my grow.



Well-Known Member
Hard to get an accurate picture of those plants under the red spectrum HPS lighting but they look nice and healthy. If this is your first grow, you have done better than most. Your setup looks nice and clean as well.


Active Member
I know the feeling on growing more than u have room for my plants are in day 3 of flowering and they have already almost doubled! But your babies look happy keep it up man


Come on guys what's the average yield you think ill get with these 5 plants? I'm hoping for atleast 8 ozs but double that would be great


Well-Known Member
There is really no way for us to give you a real guess. There are so many variables that factor in that anyone who does legitimately try and tell you how much you will yield will be blowing smoke.


Active Member
Here how's this, average indoor grow per plant can produce between 1-5 ounces 1 being ideal and 5 being your a pro. An outdoor grow if done correctly per plant can produce between 1-5 lbs giving proper setup