update on 12/12 from seed cfl grow

i decided from looking around here that there was just too many myths about cfl's lighting etc etc now its not for everyone this is my first grow so its perfect for the noob i went with some bag seed, planted 11 of them they all came up alot faster then i was expecting then my washer ate 6 of them because i was a little high lft them on the waser when she hit the spin cycle and bam on the floor was down to 5 one did'nt survive the transplant down to 4 two of them just didn't seem healthy bam down to 2 over watered one of them cause of poor soil drainage so i was down to one in a tote under 2 26w/cfl she was growing great slow but great she was just in some store bought potting soil no nutrients or anything at this point it had been in a 12/12 for about a week and a half so i started posting pics and stuff on here them some stuff started poping out of the nodes not balls not v hairs more veg at this point was getting frustrated another week still know sign then on 4/20 poof we had a girl and she was growing from 4/19 around midnight to today she has poped up about 2 1/2 inches forming beautiful buds and a nice kola i have pics i want to know what you guys think for a simple grow its been great i have learned from my mistakes and now that im back to work im working on getting my grow box together 16 square foot with 12-16 26 watt cfl 2700 lumens a pieace etc etc intake exahust fans timer ph tester nutrients everything for a full on grow thanks for your time and input :bigjoint:bongsmilie

