Update Day 21 Veg - Northern Soul

Easy Peeps

Just a quick post with an update on how my plants are doing and looking for any feedback on how they are looking. I feel like they are doing alright despite slight yellow leaf on a few of the bottom leaves but nothing I'm worried about yet - if this site has taught me one thing it has been to relax and not sweat too much on the plant side - you'd think I'd know this already based on the amount I smoke bongsmilie

Sorry for the strobe on the pictures on the gang but I moved a few out to get a decent picture so you can see how green they are :eyesmoke:Mikes 040.jpgMikes 037.jpgMikes 041.jpgMikes 039.jpg
Thanks and nope not yet - I'm using biobizz all-mix soil which is supposed to supply enough nutes organically until I'm ready to flower. The nutes I will be using eventually are biobizz aswell (grow and bloom) and although biobizz suggest using bloom now (they would as it obviously means more £ for them) but an oldtimer on another forum suggest not using anything until flower time so I'm trying to follow his lead and wait.

Do they look like they need something extra?


Well-Known Member
well the early yellowing of the leaves could be n def..im in ffof and even though its supposed to have a bit of food in it, i fed anyway, around the 3 week mark..if leaves keep yellowing like that i would feed them something.
Cool thanks for the input - its the beginning of the 4th week so it could be n def but I've only just potted up into fresh soil so I wouldve thought it would still be good for a while but its all new so I could be wrong - could be nute lockout from the nutes already in the soil? I'm just trying to avoid starting them on the juice earlier than I need to if I can.


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with your soil but i doubt the soil itself could cause lockout.
EDIT: do you know what your run off is?
Do you mean the Ph of my run off? If so I didn't think I needed to monitor my ph as I'm using soil. Btw biobizz seems to be the most popular soil for growing weed over here in the uk - I think it's produced in holland with everything
a plant needs in early life.

Mr. Bob

Yeah ph is important in soil or hydro. I just bought one today on sale. I keep my sexy ladys between 5.8 to 6.0 oh yeahh. Super Accurate.