Wages increase inflation and the right will blame the Democratic Party for inflation ignoring wage increases that supposedly “lifts all boats “
I just took some different work close to home a couple months ago and it pays damn near double. Making nearly $2k a week now banging together track homesWages increase inflation and the right will blame the Democratic Party for inflation ignoring wage increases that supposedly “lifts all boats “
I just took some different work close to home a couple months ago and it pays damn near double. Making nearly $2k a week now banging together track homes
Companies are so in need of good workers right now the pay is incredible, at least in construction right now. Gold rush times
I just took some different work close to home a couple months ago and it pays damn near double. Making nearly $2k a week now banging together track homes
Companies are so in need of good workers right now the pay is incredible, at least in construction right now. Gold rush times
smooth move.
John Deere CEO sells $72,473 in company stocks days before strike
In documents filed with the Security and Exchange Commission, John Deere CEO and Chairman John May sold $72,473 in stocks in the days leading up to the union worker's strike.www.kcci.com
The John Deere Strike Shows the Tight Labor Market Is Ready to Pop
The end of the national mobilization around Covid-19 is releasing built-up pressures in workplaces nationwide.theintercept.com
don't make any promises to the wee people for Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) this year..this goes way past bacon shortage..apparently truckers are to blame @blu3bird. unfortunately truckers have to haul empty for $0 until they pick-up container at the dock; this can take all day and all night.
trucking is not to blame.
Trucking is in need of drivers too, always has been though. No bullshit, I've seen companies offering $20K sign on bonuses right now
I just took some different work close to home a couple months ago and it pays damn near double. Making nearly $2k a week now banging together track homes
Companies are so in need of good workers right now the pay is incredible, at least in construction right now. Gold rush times
As it should be for skilled labour and trades. My son has a trade and is making really good money these days.Made 600 today alone just laying deck boards and building columns for a front porch. Theres 8 more of them on this street alone, i just gotta get to them before the other deck crew shows up
Thank you, President Joseph Biden
High schoolers are training to drive 18-wheelers amid a shortage of truck driversMore like weeks waiting for a container lol. I stay in touch with a driver that used to work for my company, she went team driving with her husband at another company, they have been waiting out in Ontario, California for 2 weeks to pick up a container from the docks in L.A. She says it's a nightmare out there.
I don't run empty though, no ma'am
I'm in Newton, Iowa right now on a relay run, heading back home to Michigan with 36,000 lbs of Gala apples from Yakima, WA
Here's the BOL
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Here's the reefer I'm pulling, one of our brand new 2021 trailers. Except the bill says to run at 34° constant, but the driver I picked this up from didn't top off the reefer fuel tank for me so I set it to start/stop cycle to conserve fuel until I stop in about 45 more miles and refuel
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These trailers look so nice, boss ordered them with light kits. They look awesome at night with all the LED lights
High schoolers are training to drive 18-wheelers amid a shortage of truck drivers
High schoolers are training to drive 18-wheelers amid a shortage of truck drivers
The trucking industry is short 68,000 drivers. By 2028, industry officials fear the number could jump to more than 100,000. A California high school allows seniors to learn trucking skills.www.npr.org
please no more pee bottles.