Unkown problem help please

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New Member
7 but fox farm trio in happy frog my tap water is 7 i never let it sit out like i should i read white powder mold is common on plants touching mine were crammed together 1st feww weeks or u think bugs? sm 90 1nce didnt work maybe milk maybe baking soda?


New Member
so y didnt the sm90 work? do they stay white? does it affect the buds? how will i kno when there better what to look for? more sm90 ?

fs psyco

i'd say spider mites too you should check your plant to night with a flash light under and on the leavesand if you see small little brownish bugs its spider mites and there are many ways to cure it


New Member
Is there ever a point where its to late? What if i have all 6 three ft plants severely infected will the buds still b good? Calicleanser isnt to late in the flowering cycle?