Unidentified leaf disease/nutrient deficiency


Can someone help me identify what's wrong with my plants? I think there's multiple problems at hand so I'm having a tough time identifying the issue.

I have two plants growing in a soil water-recycling drip system, the temperature is about 87 degrees and the humidity ranges from 50-60%. The plants are about a month old and I just put them into flower stage last night because they're already pretty big. The plants were doing fine until about last week and it seems like the tips of all of the leaves are burnt. I had recently added literally about a half teaspoon of jungle juice nutrient to the tank which holds at least 10 gallons of water. After seeing the results, I flushed out the soil and refilled the tank because I assumed I gave them too much or maybe the soil retained too much nutrient. Some of the leaves seem a little droopy and then some actually look like they're dying on the edges. The reservoir has a good air stone in it so the water has a lot of oxygen dissolved in it and the drainage should be fine because I'm using fabric pots that are elevated by rocks so they won't sit in the water. Please help me!

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Well-Known Member
you do know that your soil has nutrients in it already.. when you add water it releases the nutes so your doubling the nutrient solution and not knowing it.. if it were me i would wait till the plant starts asking for more juice..


Well-Known Member
From the pics you have it look like they are way over watered...It wouldn't surprize me if you had the start of root rot...hope not for your sake but back off the moisture and let them dry out a little...good luck


From the pics you have it look like they are way over watered...It wouldn't surprize me if you had the start of root rot...hope not for your sake but back off the moisture and let them dry out a little...good luck
As far as I understand, I think you only get root rot if the roots don't get oxygen and start to die off. Either that, or you have stagnant water sitting in the bottom of your planter. But the planter has 100% good drainage because its made of fabric and the water they were fed was highly oxygenated so they were getting oxygen as well. I don't think its that but I'm not quite a veteran grower.


you do know that your soil has nutrients in it already.. when you add water it releases the nutes so your doubling the nutrient solution and not knowing it.. if it were me i would wait till the plant starts asking for more juice..
yeah man I know. It was only a half teaspoon. I know people who use extra nutrient in their soil grows but I couldn't find a good feeding chart so I just gave them a half teaspoon, which I know is a lot less than the feeding chart would have recommended for a soil grow.