Unhappy autos

cat shit

Here are my zkittles autos week 8 from sprout, things were going fine until I added bat guano on top of my feed mixture they have gone south fast over about 5 days I have just flushed the worst 2 but they are looking even worse. My medium is canna terra professional my ph inflow is 5.8 to 6.2 my ec has been calmag 0.4 canna florez 0.8 and the guano 0.2 roughly. I flushed the ec down to 0.5 and ph run off is 6.1 as I have just flushed will things get worse before they get better or are they fucked? Expert assessment needed that ks in advance



For me this is a case of nutrient lock out because you gave them the wrong ratio of fertilizers, it's not a PH problem it's just too much phosphorus causing the lock out, check "nutrient imbalance in plants" on Google, the correct ratio of nutrients is key to leaves and ultimately flower development, if you deprive your plants of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, etc your outcome will be crappy.

In addition your problem started with the lock out of micronutrients because the yellowing and the damage it's being done in the new output, then you flushed and your plants got worse because now they are being deprived of Nitrogen and phosphorus as we can see in your pictures.

The chemical properties in the rhizosphere are wacked out due to improper management, incorrect nutrient NPK ratio, flushing depriving Nitrogen, etc.

My recommendation is that you end this grow as you can (your plants are helpless) and start a fresh new grow using the correct growing techniques.

cat shit

For me this is a case of nutrient lock out because you gave them the wrong ratio of fertilizers, it's not a PH problem it's just too much phosphorus causing the lock out, check "nutrient imbalance in plants" on Google, the correct ratio of nutrients is key to leaves and ultimately flower development, if you deprive your plants of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, etc your outcome will be crappy.

In addition your problem started with the lock out of micronutrients because the yellowing and the damage it's being done in the new output, then you flushed and your plants got worse because now they are being deprived of Nitrogen and phosphorus as we can see in your pictures.

The chemical properties in the rhizosphere are wacked out due to improper management, incorrect nutrient NPK ratio, flushing depriving Nitrogen, etc.

My recommendation is that you end this grow as you can (your plants are helpless) and start a fresh new grow using the correct growing techniques.
Thanks for your assessment another steep learning curve which shall be avoided in the future