unexpected gift


Active Member
a friend recently gave me 4 flourescent 48" fixtures...with 4 gro-lux, 2 plant & aqaurium wide spectrum and 2 daylight bulbs..

my question is...is this even worth fooling with? and if it is how would i best go about using it? how many plants will it support, etc....? i'm a virgin grower...all advice welcome...thx

great site!!!!!...maybe if my friend had checked out your site i might now have HPS or MH fixtures instead...what a poof lol:joint:


use that light for seedlings or vegging, but you still want a hps for flowering.

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Well-Known Member
A friend with a good deed is a friend out of weed!

Great set up for the most part. Great for seedlings, clones, and vegging. And yes had your friend read this site, you just might have that HPS you have always wanted! lol

As for how many plants it will support kinda stems on how big of grow area you have.


a spare bedroom? well you've got all the space you need. you will need a more enclosed, reflective space to use those floros. otherwise the light will just diffuse around the whole room.


What you really need to think about is how much pot you want to grow, with a 196sqft area you can grow alot.


Active Member
right now im at a "lets see with what happens with what i got" point.

as for 196 square feet and growing alot....ive got alot to learn first...now i know where to get the experienced help im gonna need when i get to that point..i think as much as i enjoy the good stuff its sumthin im gonna invest in..just where to start is the ? thx again