Underwatering/Light Burn...Please Help


Active Member
These two plants are about 40 days old from seed. I have 5 total lights on them, all 23 Watt Daylight CFLs. Day Temps stay around 75-80 and drop around 10 at night. PH is maintained @ 6.5-7.0 (Soil). Have only been watering every 4-5 days, or whenever soil had dried more than 1" down from the top.

Recently had to go on a 5-6 day business trip, and they were looking great before I left. I gave them a good watering the day I left, and put the lights a good bit higher than normal to make up for the days I couldn't raise them. When I got home the other night, the lights were pretty much on top of my plants (touching some leaves), and the soil was completely dry as far as my finger could go down. The plants were very droopy and wilted. I gave them a good water and after a couple hours they propped back up. My question is, what should I do with the dead leaves towards the bottom of my plants, cut them off or let them fall of on their own? Also, the leaves that were touching the lights...should I cut them off or will they repair? You can see the burn spots where the lights were touching in the pictures. Thanks for any help /advice.



Well-Known Member
the rule of thumb is to cut away dead leaf, leave the living leaf
you may have unintentionally topped your plant(s) with burning the upper leaf
i'd let it go a few days, see what's dead, what's alive and snip away that which is dead