Understanding PAR Light - The most important light indicator


Hi, I am new to this forum and in recent weeks I have been doing lots of reading and research. I came accross, what I feel is an excellent article on the lighting requirements of plants. I hope i am not out of line posting this and that you find it as useful as I have found much of the information on RIU. The following screenshots are from a brouchure taken from here http://www.specmeters.com/assets/1/7/Light_brochure.pdf. This company specialises in light metres for the horticultural industry. The brouchure was too large to attach to this post, so i have taken some screenshots. Hope they turn out ok. If not, click on the pdf link.

Measuring Light 1.jpgMeasuring Light 2.jpgMeasuring Light 3.jpgMeasuring Light 4.jpgMeasuring Light 5.jpgMeasuring Light 6.jpg