
Well-Known Member
this guide is much better because it is much more simple.

slow-mo posting is super easy, and i am much better at it than pinworm. much better.

first, open up RIU and find out that you've been turtled for being a dumb asshole, or posting interracial wrestling tutorials. throw the fucking computer around a little. OK, good.

now, open up an "incognito" or "private browsing mode" window. check out whatever you want to.

want to respond to some stupid fuck who has a wrong opinion and sucks at life? just copy the page URL, and then go back to your regular, non-private mode window. copy and paste that URL into about 19 different browser windows. a few of them will pop up the page within 30 seconds. voila, hard part over.

now you just have to fuckslam the "quote" and "reply" buttons into submission. this is basically your only annoyance.

want to post a video? just copy and paste the youtube URL. xenoforo does the rest. want to post a pic? just copy and paste the fucker.

don't overcomplicate things, like some parasitic asshole infections would advise.

i have made some tags to reflect the betterness of this tutorial.
this guide is much better because it is much more simple.

slow-mo posting is super easy, and i am much better at it than pinworm. much better.

first, open up RIU and find out that you've been turtled for being a dumb asshole, or posting interracial wrestling tutorials. throw the fucking computer around a little. OK, good.

now, open up an "incognito" or "private browsing mode" window. check out whatever you want to.

want to respond to some stupid fuck who has a wrong opinion and sucks at life? just copy the page URL, and then go back to your regular, non-private mode window. copy and paste that URL into about 19 different browser windows. a few of them will pop up the page within 30 seconds. voila, hard part over.

now you just have to fuckslam the "quote" and "reply" buttons into submission. this is basically your only annoyance.

want to post a video? just copy and paste the youtube URL. xenoforo does the rest. want to post a pic? just copy and paste the fucker.

don't overcomplicate things, like some parasitic asshole infections would advise.

i have made some tags to reflect the betterness of this tutorial.

I dunno....you've made some valid points, but Pin's guide is a bit more 'spirited'.....+1/2 rep.

After being turtled once for making a joke in the 'growers area' and nearly being turtled again for gay/frog/cuck/lesbian pornographic imagery, I've decided to play it safe, these days.

images (76).jpeg
(Although I did have a post axed last night....it depicted a woman's fingers holding open a seashell and also an over-the-shoulder view of cunnilingus. No 'direct nudity' was shown, but the woman's buttocks and man's head were plainly visible - my bad.)
Shredded by two people who r the same person lol, I don't think so, I guess it would be more obvious of he made it princessqwizo2 instead of SF
You boyz should simply play nice. Take me, for example: I never post anything offensive, and I get along with everyone. I'm a mod's (wet) dream. Hell, I've never even seen a turtle, not really sure they exist...
Umb your supposed to kill me around Halloween durden .....but I guess your rite it is a friendly game of ......I'm guna kill indacouch with a bow .....so nevermind excuse my interruption ...........still flipping u off