Umols and ppf, ppfd


Well-Known Member
My newer light was sphere tested at 1482 umol. And usable ppf is 1283 what happend to other 199 umols? Has anyone got an idea? Id like to know. Used cocoforcannabis light evaluation chart. Seems l got good deal at 0.39 cents a umol. Benchmark is 962gr so anything above that means doing ok? Below means not so well. Have l got this right? Can someone turn into understandable language, come on light guys help out a newb to leds.
Think lve got it figured but unsure of this. Elp!
My newer light was sphere tested at 1482 umol. And usable ppf is 1283 what happend to other 199 umols? Has anyone got an idea? Id like to know. Used cocoforcannabis light evaluation chart. Seems l got good deal at 0.39 cents a umol. Benchmark is 962gr so anything above that means doing ok? Below means not so well. Have l got this right? Can someone turn into understandable language, come on light guys help out a newb to leds.
Think lve got it figured but unsure of this. Elp!
Can you post a link to the manufacturer's spec sheet?
What would it cost for 40w per sq ft 10ft x 10ft?
One of the easiest ways to diy fairly cheap and bigger spaces:

Using meijius Fotop Boards for a approx 4x2 footprint:
one fotop board, weve been using the lm561c diodes, at about 80 dollars plus shipping and taxes.
one 3mm thick aluplate about 2 inches wider and longer than the fotop. the fotop is about 3x1 foot. this is around 10-12 euros where i am.
one hlg240 or xlg240 or whatever driver you wanna use. about 60 dollars. But if you prefer you can use bigger or cheaper driver; hlg320 or lrs350, the lrs is real cheap, but not to be placed in your grow space, it should be clear of any damp environment.

so about 100 dollars plus driver, and you only have to connect two cables per 4x2, larger foot print if you use bigger driver.
I've got my lights x2 set to 360w @ 20", it's not based on anything scientific, here's how I worked it out.
A single 300w reads reads 9/10 on the meter at 22" directly under it, then between the two lights I average 8/9 across the whole canopy.
I've still got 200w in reserve but idk when I should increase it, I'm just freewheeling lol