Ultimate odor control?


Active Member
I'm completely new to growing and in my country laws are pretty relaxed around weed we just lost vote for legalization by a few %

But in saying that I'm planning to grow 4 plants in a tent in my garage which is semi close to neighbors and the shed has tons of air escapes. I really don't want to risk thousands of equipment on the neighbors smelling something and calling cops nothing will happen to me but I'll lose all the gear.

My current plan is 4 plants in a 4x4 with a 6 inch thick fan with 50cm long carbon filter, also with an extra carbon filter on the exhaust, all humidity will be controlled so that should help somewhat also. I guess my biggest concern is that most of my time working on plants and opening the tent will be during the day when neighbors could be closer around.

Would love any extra tips or suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
Use high quality filters that are rated at a higher throughput than the fan pulls/pushes through them.

You can put another carbon filter/fan combo exhausting air out of the shed to maintain negative pressure in the shed relative to the outside, and pulling all exhausted air through the filter.

You can also put a fan/filter combo in the shed recirculating air and not porting it to the outside.

Good luck! Peace :peace:

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
As mentioned above carbon filters. But beware that most fans are noisy. A constant hum coming from a shed we’ll just raises eyebrows… pretty sure there’s a sound control thread on here somewhere