Ultimate n00b! Apologies in advance

Hello to you growing maestro's!

Sorry if I'm being a complete cabbage here. I'm a couple of weeks away from starting my first grow and just need a few pointers. I've done a lot of research but there's so many opinions it's hard to find a tailor made guide. Anyways, here we go...

I'm essentially copying a friend who's grown white dwarf auto's outdoors for years, but I'm going indoor. He's given me lots of advice but his knowledge is limited to outdoor growing. So I've got the same wda seeds, fems, and I've gone straight for big pots so I don't have to do any transplants. I'll be doing 3 plants at once.

My next job is building my own grow cabinet which I can do no problem, as well as installing fans, lights and doing the electrics. This leads to my first question.

Q1 - Because of the size of the pots I have no choice but to make the cabinet 70cmW x 70cmD. Taking into account the potential height of the plants and the space taken up by lighting I figure I should make the cabinet at least 1m high, maybe pushing up to 110cm. Does that sound about right? How high should I go?

Q2 - I'll be putting in an intake and exhaust fan. Going off the cabinet size I've specified will 4inch fans be adequate? Or do I need to go a bit bigger?

The lighting issue is a bit of a minefield for me, I really have no idea where to start. I think I'm going to go for cfl as a few people have told me that other types of lights like MH and HiD can burn out within two grows. That puts me off. Not that I'm trying to do this on the cheap but I don't want to be continuously paying out for bulbs when there's a more cost effective cfl alternative.

Q3 - From what I've said so far about cabinet size and plant type can anyone recommend some lighting to me for veg and flower?

As far as growing the stuff I think I'm sorted on that, or I can at least learn as I go. But I want to get all this cabinet stuff right first time as I don't want to have to doctor it once the plants are in. Oh one more question!

Q4 - Is it worth having an oscilating fan inside the cabinet besides the intake/exhaust? If so I'll include it in the build.

Again, sorry if these are all dumb questions. I'm just struggling to find the answers on my own. I'll be sure to post a grow journal once I'm up and running.