
hi new to the forum and growing scene a mate ov mine gave me 2 seeds and i potted them and have basicly left them in the conservatory to see what would happen anyway they have grown and i am now into week 4 of 12/12
just after some advice is it worth keeping these or should i just bin theese i have only done this as my mate said that i would have no chance growing in conservatory as i neeede fancy lights and foods i have no intention ov selling this stuff its for personal use only.... the dog ate the plants when they was growing thats why it looks abit mad

cheers dan


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
The plants look fine for 4 weeks into flowering, especially for some grown without nutes.

They'll be ready for harvesting in about 4-6 weeks from now.
thanks guys just proves there is a god after all !!!! will be very interested what the smoke is like should be better than all the rubish that is knocking about...
should i cut all the big leaves off thats what 1 ov my mates say do or should i just leave her be she lasted this long
