UK drug education

In America I've heard that it's called D.A.R.E when over exaggerated and clearly false facts about drugs are taught to kids in school. I live in the UK and I'll tell you my personal experience on how our education system can be very destructive to children's minds.

This all started in the year 2000 when I was 6 years old. I was in Year 1 (American equivalent to 1st Grade) and my teacher informed us that we were going to learn about drugs. At this age, most children either think all drugs are the same or have no idea what drugs are, therefore they are very open to the propaganda. The teacher read a booklet called something like "The Dangers of Cannabis". Let me tell you, this was just the worst set of lies I've heard in my life. But I was scared to death at the time due to being brainwashed. Firstly, there was a 'true story' about someone who smoked a joint and it induced psychosis, and he saw aliens under his floorboards, then ripped off his floorboards and destroyed his house trying to kill the aliens. I've smoked countless joints and bong hits, which has actually LESSENED my social anxiety and panic attacks.

Next, we absorbed some fake propaganda about LSD. According to my teacher, LSD can cause chromosome damage and can make your head turn sideways due to liquid pressure in your neck. I've taken LSD maybe 20 times since age 16 and my head is perfectly straight. Also, there was a 'true' story of a man who took a single tab and went crazy for the rest of his life, then committed suicide.

Maybe one of the most absurd lies that had been told to everyone in my class, going back to weed, was the claim thst smoking a joint is more toxic than drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. If I remember correctly, "One cannabis cigarette is just as toxic as a whole pack of tobacco cigarettes".

Being the naïve child I was, I succumbed to these pathetic lies for nearly 9 years, until at age 14 I had my first joint. No lung cancer, no psychosis, nothing! Thank god I decided to smoke that joint, because now I can educate others about the lies being told by the education system.

Sorry if this is badly written, I'm high :P


Well-Known Member
Obviously propaganda abt weed has been going around for many years, nice to see that at least today people are starting to see how all of it is pure B.S.