uh oh.....whats this?


Well-Known Member
Positive this wasn't here yesterday. I've never had it before. Is this what I think it is? I have been grappling with high humidity and cool temps at night with our recent weather here. Say it ain't so?PXL_20250101_160940565.jpgPXL_20250101_161132462.jpgPXL_20250101_161155327.jpg
I dont think so. It should be on another leaf or two as well. If it wiped right off, no. I dont play around I got box fans on every plant.
Ive seen it grow a few different ways and this aint it. Its like a living animal on your leaf or weird trichy looking fruiting mycelium. Not quite like this though.
I hope you're right. Plucked the leaf and keeping an eye out. So far thats the only one I've seen. Ill keep an eye out. FYI it did NOT rub off easily.
Powdery mildew! I've had it once on clones I got from a friend. Potassium silicate and potassium bicarbonate as foliar will help.
Powdery mildew! I've had it once on clones I got from a friend. Potassium silicate and potassium bicarbonate as foliar will help.

Should I hit the entire tent with foliar? crazy I dont have many other plants in the house and we're deep into winter. Its been unseasonably rainy (instead of snow) but definitely nothing I think I could have brought in from outside.
Damn I hope not too. If they say so Id listen to them I just seen it go down in my flower room last run. Tends to grow on the middle of the middle of leaf. I havent seen it at the tip before but theyll do anything to start and spread. When it does it spread faster than anything Ive ever seen.

Idk if this your first time, I see people all the time say they grew for 20yrs no pm before. Theres hope though Im almost at harvest in 6 days will be a full 9 wks and a couple wks later the rest of gardens ready.

I didnt nuke the grow but I did toss all flower plants. I just added box fans with well opened up plants keep rh low as possible below 40%.. No cleaning whatsoever. Might as well learn to live with it. Trying to rid it off my mother plants was taking too long and just adding spores which means more chances.

Mold grosses me out but maybe theres something to tossing infected plants. I tried to fight botritus its wackamole and then got PM and was like yup no thanks. I thought it was the end for me.
Would a heavy defoliation help at this point ?

EDIT: or possibly removing that plant all together asap? Thats the only place I see it so far.
I tend to defol because less leafs, less chances. A bit unorthodox so I dont give advice anymore unless its something like this. I let it grow here and there as removing too much will make leafy smaller buds.

So I just trick it, let it grow and defol here and there so it wont just grow more leafs all the sudden. Im a weird grower I just realized that the other day lol.

If rh is passing 40 to me its too packed and defolling may not bring it down much. I had to redeseign my whole grow from bottom up.
Pics tell me than I can explain. I just plucked some leafs off the dark tent photos because its couple weeks to harvest just about. So it will still bud like normal even if it shoots an extra leaf here and there. Just to make me feel better. Dead spots are real and real easy to create.

I just point the fan a certain way and adjust it. Turn it up a little when it gets a little packed. Fans from above are easier to work with than beside. Those little clip fans seem too weak for me. People say pm is the worst thing that can happen and some still get it like I could. Id toss the whole flower tent.

Alright Im outi hope that helps good luck. Oh I did top one plant 3 wks in in all tops, I hate clustered colas. Another weird thing I do now. Unless its expressing sativa like I love most.


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