UFC Thread - "Who Shot Dana White? (Fuck Dana White)" - music video


Well-Known Member

Hey folks

I'm working on a music video to honour my favourite fighters, and of course to tell Dana White to go fuck himself for completely fouling Rorions genius with his ineptitude.

The times that I would truly love to pound one of the pathetic hippy whores of the marijuana world I think of Dana and think:


"I .wonder .if .that .jackass .is .still .in .fighting .shape?"


One problem that I have with videos is sourcing pictures - could you folks help me to make this video by posting MMA pics here in this thread. Anything that you want, i'll sort the picture for the video. I'll need hundreds or thousands to pick from, my first video "Only In Dreams" has 225 images.

This video will of course be to the music of Fuck Martinez! one of my most favourite of songs.

Thanks for any help you can give, and keep the call alive!


Tito WILL once again be champion!

Nick May WILL fight in the UFC!





THIS . . IS . . MY . . . U F C !



I already see the poster in my mind, and perhaps a crusade truly more holy than easing suffering: Returning Headbutts To The UFC. Thanks be to Jon Stewart. Amen.





Well-Known Member

Here''s some of my videos, check out my links at the bottom of the post. Ebook, etc.




















Well-Known Member

Does anyone know if Bobby Hoffman is out of jail yet? He's going to be front and centre.​


Bobby should be a medical marijuana poster child

marijuana a banned drug from the UFC. Un fucking believable.​



Hobbes' Maximum Security Penetentury For The Insanely Violent (B.O.B.B.Y):

"No one gets out of their fucking cell in their morning 'til they hit a Volcano bowl of White Russian. And put some fucking guards on the gates, we had those middle class yuppies from the 'burbs trying to sneak in again last night. Make sure Hoffman does two bowls."



Well-Known Member

Oh yeah, and I'm sure that you are very aware of this .... do NOT tell those little fucking psychopaths at at MMA TV where you got those posters. Loose those fucking idiots on this forum and it'd make me seem like ANC. Are they still picking fights with other forums? Those people had no idea what they getting into.

I never got involved in the shenegans there, there I was like this forum until recently. I just floated around the outside of the community and gathered information for training and tournaments ... but my fuck, a forum full of 16-25 year old males who all just want to be fighters .. and other forums would fight with them? It always ended the same ... begging, more begging, boredom, fight with people on MMA.TV, someone finds another forum to fight with, a swarm of pimply faced Fedors descend on hippies-to-be who thinks that they'll accomplish something by slapping a fighter who pays training fees to get punched in the face.


MMA.TV: .Home .of .the .tuffest. fighters. from. behind. a. computer. screen


I'm really getting bored of these fucking hippies. I thought they'd have more fight in them, you know, drugs and all. But really they are just like sharks, dangerous only if you don't see them coming. If you haven't already won the fight a thousand times in your mind before throwing the first jab. Landing a shark is as much fun as reeling in a kite, but not as much fight.

Just like a hippie.


Sharks: Porcupines of the sea world

Hippies: Douchebags



Well-Known Member


Oh Dana is going to love being portrayed as a hippy douchebag

This sword has two keen edges

He's gonna fucking loose it



The .Hairless .Hippie


fuck. ... I'll be back​


Before you hippies find something to whine about - I need two things from the UFC:

1. Fighters (men and women) to teach confidence to refugees who have been terrorized. There is no better way to wash away fear than to train to fight - not because of the ability to fight but from the callouses hardened in the mind from daily training in the face of violence and pain.

The giants of the UFC will be our stregnth - like the marijuana community the mma community is full of the finest people that I have met. My best friends are mostly from a fighting background, people I literally trust with my life every time I step on the mat or canvas to train. I'm not that good, the Homer Simpson of the boxing world, The Frank Shamrock of the UFC - I've been through so much pain in my life I don't notice being hit.

When a child refugee is held in the arms of one of these giants it will change their lives forever. They will have their own Major Payne to shot the boogie man in their closet, a big sister who cares. MMA chicks are fucking HOT!

And before you flip out on the HOT part, they are hot. It's a fucking fact so shut the fuck up. Plus I have a line of PERSPECTIVE posters designed for them to empower women by encouraging them to gain a new perspective on life by training for mma. Sometimes those that seem most helpless, in the most helpless position, are the most dangerous.


End of Argument



And they are the most laid back women I have met

Who says that you can't have it all in one package

MMA Chicks: The Singular Paradox Of The Universe


I believe that the experience will change the fighters for the better, give them perspective on their lives that they might never have gotten otherwise, this perspective will give some of them ... determination, focus, the need to establish clear and defined goals in their lives ... and will drive them to become champions. Their success in fighting will carry The Academy's message with The Wind, it will be my way of giving back to the way of life that has given me so much and has asked nothing in return.


2. Frank and Lorenzo

Not for their money, I will never accept a dime from them in any manner, water flows one way. For their ability, their genious at taking absolute fucking shit like subDana White and making copious amounts of cash from using him as an ass clown. I love those guys.

I will develop my oil sands extractor, set it up in the field, extract oil, train people to run the extractor, find a market for the oil, develop a collection system ... then and only then ... I will find a way to contact them and say "If you want to knock Bill Gates the fuck out with my punch lets get together for lunch. I'm buying."

I make friends fast the old fashion way .. friend who know that by filling our pocket with gold - and being fucking proud of it - others will be carried by our wind to a much better life. We will get what we want by helping others to get what they want, be it oil, corn, marijuana, blood on the TV or malaria medication. They are all the same, a need to be filled. Suffering to be eased. Fun to be had.

These are two bastards that I can relate to, I think that I can communicate with them when the time is right. Everything is woven, it's all one in the same to me - marijuana legalization ... feeding the hungry ... fighting malaria ... becoming a champion fighter ... developing economies ... all exactly the same.



Well-Known Member

Before you folks think that I'm JUST fucking with MMA.TV and the UFC, they are an integral part of The Academy, but not yet. It's too early, association with marijuana - even through a refugee or hospice program - will damage the image that the UFC and Kirik have been building for the MMA community. Time, have fun, trade insults with me.

Lets see who's still on the forum:

- what reincarnation has Nick May congured for himself?

- Does bobs still grace the forum with his artwork - there was a drawing that he made of Royce fighting two guys with a knife and gun or stick - do you folks have that one! Fuck it was funny.

- Is Kirik still freakishly tall?

- Randy never got that fight with Fedor did he? Tell him I'm gonna be pissed if he kills subDana without a camera there.

- Is subDana still a sheep pedophile? ewwwwe

- Who else is around? It's been a couple of years since I've been in.



That's where I was going with this post.

The refugees we will be helping will be have lingering terror - the absolute best way to wash away fear is to learn to fight, not the ability to fight but the callouses that daily training hardens in the mind. I have one of our boxing champs who's going to come over with his wife on my second or third trip, she works with relief groups and I made him swear not to tell her yet, get me outed. Of course I trained with him daily for years so I trusted him with my life everyday - you know how it is. He fought on Hagler's team, or Hearns - fucking bald guys with similar last names. I never met either so it doesn't matter to me. There should be a rule that as soon as a guy is bald he has to leave the fighting world forever. Or just one regulation that covers subDana.

The concept of the UFC being involved with the Academy, other than having an instrument of righteous retribution, is to teach the women and their children confidence in themselves and that someone cares about them enough to come to help them. The hell that they have been through, for one of these children to be held in the arms of a giant ... that moment will change their lives forever. It will not only change the image of the UFC in the publics mind - show people who we really are, just like the marijuana community - it will change each fighter, hopefully give them insight into their lives that they would not have gotten without this perspective - an insight that will drive them harder to succeed. And it will only cost them time, I will pay for travel.

That is what I need from the MMA community.

And I will trade you subDana's ass being dry-humped on TV by fighter after fighter on UFC shows. After the "Punch subDana White In The Arm" night. Hey ! They're professional fucking fighters, they can get him in the same spot each punch if they have proper communications. That bald bastard won't be able to lift his arm by the end of the night, he'll jump every time a shadow moves.

We have to bring the UFC into mainsteam entertainment and since subDana has cluster fucked the most gentlemanly of sports into a bastardization that even Joe Rogan cannot describe:

Great moments in sportscasting history:



As if two big sweaty guys rolling around the floor in speedos wasn't bad enough. Thank you Tito, thank you for surf shorts. You shall ever be held high with Jon Stewart!

What was Rogan's boyfriend's name, that BJJ guy? American, not Brazilian


The UFC has lost it's way

Where is the spectacle?


I hate you subDana

I hate you so very fucking much

For what you have taken

from all of us

bald hippy​


You just know that Frank and Lorenzo have no fucking respect for the ass clown, they're smart, they got subDana as just some dickhead for the fans to laugh at. Good fucking choice guy! Big time Kudos! I never really looked at it from that perspective - you guys are looking out for us fans without us even realizing it. Damn, you are two smart guys. I owe you for what you have given to me, and I always repay thoughtless kindness.


I'm gonna make up three videos:


Fuck subDana !. Fuck Fuck subDana !


A second for the Fertittas, put some of Kirik in there too if I can get a wide angle lens for my camera, tall fucking freak. I will explain to them how the UFC has lost it's way, and the only way for them to truly enter main stream sports is to have a "Punch subDana In The Arm" night. It'll be a fucking classic, he'll never know when someone is going to get him. They could get Jackie Chan to do the cheriography, bring him in for a celebrity sportscaster. He and Rogan together would be fucking classic.

Dear Fertitta Brothers: Let me work for you to bring the UFC into every living room . Help me to help you by helping me to fuck over subDana. Thank you.


And finally one for my favourite fighters - Royce, Handy, Frank, Tito, Fedor, GSP, Machodo (good trips). And everyone else of course, they have all earned my love with their blood.

I love those guys.

Except subDana, I hate that cunt.



Well-Known Member

New request ... please upload every picture of mma chicks that you can find. I'm making them a video - to Breath Me, SIA - explaining what I need from them and what I have give them in return. I need them to carry an anti-marijuana message to the schools, a biological message, a message that only the most pure can carry. That the developing brain should not have ANY foreign drugs introduced - be it marijuana, alcohol or even caffine.

There is so much evidence that the brain's development is influenced by certain chemicals and we as a species are at no stage in our scientific development to even begin to have the pompacity to think that we can predict the permenent changes that could be affected. We need children to know that THIS is why there is an age limit for alcohol, cigarettes, why their parents don't want them to drink coffee, and why WE - the marijuana community - want them to stay the fuck away from marijuana.

But ... if you have to have a drug marijuana is PROBABLY the least dangerous. So if you absolutely must change your state of mind go with marijuana. That way we will know that you have a problem, we can find you and we can help you. We can find the root problem that you are self medicating with marijuana, alcohol or cigarettes. We know that you are using them as a crutch because you are suffering in some way even though you may not realize it. We will find the root of your pain and help you to ease your suffering.


Only the weak NEED drugs


The Wind is unlike any marijuana legalization campaign you have conceived. Perspective.



Well-Known Member
HAHAHA bit of a hater lol.
its funny how you said

"Tito WILL once again be champion!"

haha, now thats funny, he will never be champion,
he cant even bare to fight liddel, thats a joke.
Big tito backed out from tiny "old" chuck liddel.
he got rocked by almeda, really, HE KNOCKED EM OUT WITH
A BROKEN ARM.. And i know liddel will sleep tito any day.
and plus this, tito would have to get though rashad, rampange, machita, and the champ
sho gun, HAHAHAHAHA He will never be champion again, he had fun, time to retire, lol
no offence to you, just tito lol

Matt Rize

HAHAHA bit of a hater lol.
its funny how you said

"Tito WILL once again be champion!"

haha, now thats funny, he will never be champion,
he cant even bare to fight liddel, thats a joke.
Big tito backed out from tiny "old" chuck liddel.
he got rocked by almeda, really, HE KNOCKED EM OUT WITH
A BROKEN ARM.. And i know liddel will sleep tito any day.
and plus this, tito would have to get though rashad, rampange, machita, and the champ
sho gun, HAHAHAHAHA He will never be champion again, he had fun, time to retire, lol
no offence to you, just tito lol
tito sucks.

on the plus, gsp made kos look slow with the right jab. kos ain't pretty today, that's for sure.

uh... i don't get what this thread is. or what you are ranting about. ufc just picked up wec, what else can you ask for?


Well-Known Member
What is this even about? Better yet wtf are you on?!

Oh Dana is going to love being portrayed as a hippy douchebag
Really? Because this isn't TMZ and Dana doesn't read RIU... and a horrid music video of a picture slideshow will never get big. No one likes those horribly put together videos by 15 year olds, they wont like yours.

And really? Tito? Only thing he can beat is a woman.

... Go home roger.


Well-Known Member
dana white made the ufc more of a sport..... rules and regulations... i honer and respect what he has done for mma.... but the way he hypes/builds certain fighters... like lesnar, cain, pretty much everyone he can make some money on.... he gives them hand picked easy ass matches to get them going.. then when the hype dies down he hand selects the guy who will beat his predecessor with ease.... only to use that guys hype..... strikeforce while it doesnt have has good of fighters puts on much better fights imo.....

the truth of the matter here is junior dos santos is gonna be ur next h.w. champ... and there isnt anyone in that div. right now who can beat him.... and if he is able to sprawl and brawl on everyone... then he is gonna be champ for a lonng time

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
whoa, that video... what was that brawl about, all the folks brawling?
Miller jumped in the ring directly after the fight and was bumping against Jake Shields for a rematch.
Meanwhile, Jake had just began his post-fight interview, and nobody appreciated Miller's interruption.
And from there, this guy explains it very well!


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA bit of a hater lol.
its funny how you said

"Tito WILL once again be champion!"

haha, now thats funny, he will never be champion,
he cant even bare to fight liddel, thats a joke.
Big tito backed out from tiny "old" chuck liddel.

LOL! What is it now - Liddel V. Ortiz 18?


Two things that can be said about Liddel:

1. It's hard to keep the fucker on the mat for some reason

2. You don't want to get hit by the fucker anytime. Just natural knockout power with pinpoint accuracy, can't be taught. The difference between a good batter and a Babe Ruth type.

I've got a buddy that hits like a fucking mule, I hit like Homer Simpson. My friend is aways trying to show me how to hit harder, I'm much stronger than he is, but I will never be able to lay someone on the floor with a glancing cross.

When you get in front of someone like Liddle for the second time ... everybody got a plan 'til they get hit. Its not the pain because there is none. Its the realization that one tiny wrong move and you are out. That ability to connect at the right place at the right time with the right power changes the game, another level of fun.


