TY # 15 soon to be in your mailbox

Marco Renda

Active Member
Treating Yourself # 15 is starting to be mailed out today by our mailing house Perkins. So for those of you who have expressed an interest in recieving our publication or those who have submitted an article for TY # 15 then your copy will be in your mail box in the very near future. The magazine is sent out discreetly so nobody not even the mailman knows what's inside the envelope

For those of you who have yet to see our publication you can download all previously published issues for FREE at


Now there are 2 ways for you to recieve our publication 1 is to subscribe and the other is to submit an article, recipes, poetry, smoke report, etc.

All submissions can be emailed to [email protected]

Below is the deadline dates for articles.

Apr 01/09 for TY #17 - June/09
Jun 01/09 for TY #18 - Aug/09
Aug 01/09 for TY #19 - Oct/09
Oct 01/09 for TY #20 - Dec/09

Thanks for all your support

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
Publisher & Editor in Chief
Treating Yourself
The Alternative Medicine Journal

