Two Tokes Grow "Take 2"


Active Member
Well My first grow may not have turned out like I would have liked or hoped it would have. But to say the least I have learned a ton from it. Not only did I learn from the "Grow" but from the wealth of knowledge and help I have received since joining RIU.

This is where I will be posting updates of my second grow. I have been in contact with a few great guys and they have helped me out tremendously and I look forward to their continued assistance.

This is my second grow and I know I will continue to make mistakes along the way but then again I am only human. I take great pride in all I do and work hard to succeed. I HATE to fail, Sometimes I may pretty hard on myself so please feel free to tell it like me like it is, Right wrong or indifferent that's how I learn is by the brutal truth. So please feel free to comment on my grows and chime in anytime to help out or to give advise.

Many thanks and hopefully this grow is better....


Active Member
Could someone explain to me how I can put a link to my grow journal into my post so others will have easy access to follow my grow?
Or provide a link where I can find out how to do this.
Thank you.


Active Member
Seeds were put into soil on 12-18-11, Red party cups being used with a MG soil mixture just to start the seedlings in then will be transplanted into different soil. I am almost positive this grow will be a organic soil grow.


Well-Known Member
Could someone explain to me how I can put a link to my grow journal into my post so others will have easy access to follow my grow?
Or provide a link where I can find out how to do this.
Thank you.
use your link has your signature mate, that will do it. and good luck.


Active Member
OK, well I planted 12 bag seeds into soil 4 days ago and so far 7 of the 12 have broke surface of which 3 are already starting there second set of real leaves... I would say that's not too bad for just grabbing 12 random seeds and dropping them into the soil.
I have them under a 4' 2 bulb Floro that is 5500k. I have vegged under these bulbs before with very good sucess. They are within 1 inch from the bulbs and I have a fan blowing on them. I am running a 24/0 light cycle and everything seems to be going real well so far.
I will try to up load some pics soon on my veg set up and the plants.


Active Member
Well I would have to say things are progressing along very nicely. Correct me if I am wrong but I would have to say these look pretty good?? It has only been 6 days since the seeds were put into soil and only 3 days since they broke soil.
I have them on a 24/0 light schedule under a 4' 2 bulb T12 Floro and have been getting nothing except water as needed.

I have thought about this and wanted to get some advise, Is there any benefit in putting these under a 400w HPS for about an hour or two a day? or would I be better off leaving them under the 24hr floro for now?




Well-Known Member
And we're off. I swear I'm unsubbin' from the old thread. Two updates is too much to follow for one grow. Either leave them under the flouro or put them under the HPS. I would personally leave them under the flouro. HPS is just burnin' lots of extra energy for no reason. They look really good. Don't water too often and make sure your cups have holes in the bottom for drainage. Remember, wet the soil thoroughly, let it dry out and then water again. At this size watering should be about once a week, maybe twice if it's warm in there.


Active Member
Here is a picture of my Small Veg cabinet. It is about 55" long and 14"W X 16"H.
I only use this for starting my seedlings and I have one 4' 2 bulb T-12 Floro in there. I use blocks of 2x4's to raise the cups up close to the lights as needed. I choose this route rather than moving the light as each plant is a little different in height and I can place the plants as close to the light as possible.

I also have a fan at one end of the box blowing across the plants and the bottom of the floro.
I will be painting the inside of the cabinet white before my next vegging cycle begins.

I know its somewhat of a ghetto setup, but I have had great results using it.



Active Member
Here is a few shots of 3 of my plants that are now on there 8th day of veg since they broke soil.

I have only included 3 pictures of the 7 since they are all about the same size and appearance.

I am wanting to top my plants at some point, just waiting for them to grow up a little bit more before I top them.
I still have not added any type of nutes, just plain tap water (that has sat out for 24hrs). I am watering about every 2-3days as the cups become light in weight. When watering I water until I get run off out of the bottom of the cups.

Things are going well, I think they are looking pretty healthy. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my grow!!!



Active Member
Hello everyone, Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.

I have a question in regards to topping my plants, They are coming along real nice and I believe they are to a stage they can be topped now. My question is should I replant them into there permanent containers and let them settle in then top? or should I top them in the red solo cups then wait and then transplant?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I don't top my plants, seems pointless. I do from time to time use the LST method, but for the most part, I just leave them alone. I like big ol' fat cola's and I don't like messing around with popcorn buds. Seeing as how you have a 400w though, I'd probably want to do some kind of training to maintain a nice even canopy. I would go with LST personally. Topping has never produce results for me that were favorable. It's always been something I think is stupid. I accidentally topped one plant on my current grow, it's the most worthless looking one in my grow room now. 4 stupid, skinny, crappy little cola's.


Active Member
Laser, I think you may have changed my mind on topping, I have done some research on LST and I think I may go that route now.

I am going to transplant these in the next couple of days into larger containers (there final home)
After transplant I am going to start LST.
I have a couple of questions,
1) How long after transplant should I wait before I start LST?
2) How Long after transplant should I wait to flip to 12/12 in other words can I continue to LST while they are on 12/12 or is there a "standard" time frame I should wait before flipping?
I realize the factor of the stretch and the size of the plant they are before and after the stretch but is there anything that I should look for in regards to stress while doing this?
Here are a couple of pictures of my grow, these are at 13 days old since breaking soil.



Well-Known Member
1) You can LST straight away. As long as you are gentle with the transplant the plants will be just fine. I've never experienced "shock" from a transplant. Quite the opposite, the plants just take off like gangbusters.

2) Flowering should be induced when you feel ready. There are a lot of factors that determine when you flip to 12/12. I would say that for me it's generally 3-4 weeks after transplant. If I'm using fewer plants and there's more training involved maybe longer. You can continue to bend and LST in flower, but I have personally found it better to get the plant in the shape you pretty much want, then let it stretch upward uninhibited at the start of 12/12. I don't mess with them after the start of 12/12 pretty much.


Well-Known Member
Laser has it right! I would do some lst. I'm did some moderate lst on my 400w grow with great far :)! Check it out and happy growing! Sub'd


Active Member
Laser has it right! I would do some lst. I'm did some moderate lst on my 400w grow with great far :)! Check it out and happy growing! Sub'd
Loyalty, Thanks for joining in. I checked out your grow and it looks good, cant wait to see your plants after they are flowering nice.
Yes, I will be doing some LST on this grow.
went the other day and picked up some items at the grow shop, couldn't get everything I wanted so now I am waiting on some advice on mixing ratios on what I was able to get for my soil makeup. I need to get these girls transplanted soon into there permanent home and get them settled in.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry I can't help with the soil mix. I did the opposite yesterday, I went and picked up my reservoir and tray for veg. No more dirtfarming for me. I gave this soil shit a GOOD run with multiple strains over the past couple of years, but I am over it. I was sick and tired of not having any knowledge or experience about soil growing so I took on this endeavor. I figured it would be one or two soil grows just to get them under my belt and it turned into I think 6 grows in soil for me. It takes a good 5 or 6 grows to get the nutrient schedules right and to learn all of the important little tricks. Which ph meter ACTUALLY works, which nutrients, when to give what and the past 'path' to biggest flowers.

But this grow has been easy and successful following the knowledge I had in the past and I don't think I learned anything. I don't have that nagging feeling that says "if only I had done <BLANK> differently" that has been making me want to do it over and over again. If I were going to do it again, I'd probably do it exactly the same. So...I'm going back home to hydro!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well guys, This is what I went with for a soil Mix.
1 bag (1.5 Cu.Ft.) Roots Organic Soil
1 Gal. Premier Peat Shrimp Compost
1 Gal. Perlite
1 Cup Sunleaves Jamican Bat Guano (1-10-1)
1 cup Algiman Kelp Meal (1-0-1)
1 Cup Epsoma Lime
4 Cups Black worm castings (1-05-.2) (Must have fresh stuff as there were a few live worms in the bag)

I know this may not be exactly how "Everyone" said to mix it up but I took ALL the info I received and made "MY" mix. Could be like shooting yourself in the foot but what the hell, How do we learn if we dont try. Who knows this mix May be a good banging mix OR could be shit and kill my girls. Time will tell.

This is day 14 since they broke ground. Of the 12 bag seeds I dropped into soil I have 7 that took. I think they are looking ok for being 2 weeks old. I transplanted them about 4 hours ago into 4 gallon square pots using the soil mix above. Gave them a little drink of molasses and water and so far they seem to be holing up ok.

I have them under floro's in the 5500K range and my 400W hps. The HPS is about 4' over the plants right now, Just thought it would be best to let them settle in some before dropping it down on top of them. I am currently running 24/7 on the lights.


Well-Known Member
they look good and off to a nice start. and everybody says MG is bad right. you soil mix looks good bro. im positive you will have good results with that mix. i definitely think topping would be a good thing. with seedlings you normally wait until the 5th or 6th node then chop back to the second. if you do it right you will have 4 tops that you can tie back and do the LST thing. it works great for me and may be something to consider since most bagseed tends to be on the sativa side so i dont know what height your working with but its something to think about. anyways good luck bro. i will be tagging along and if you need a hand give me a shout. PEACE!!!!


Active Member
Yes farmerjoe, A lot of people say MG is bad.
But This my second attempt and the MG has served me very well in the early stage with the seedlings.