Two things - Random yellow spots and advice on sexing/flowering *PIX*


Active Member
So this is the furthest I have ever got before on growing, since I acidentally killed my first before it was a foot high. I am doing much better with this one, and I have learned a TON from all you guys at this website. So, now for the questions. I am growing in soil, and lighting is explained a bit later.

1. The yellow spots- So these showed up about 3 days ago, and only on this one set of leaves. I don't know what they are, and I didn't want to take many steps from a wrong self-diagnosis. I thought it might have been nute burn, but seeing as I haven't given it any in the past 3 weeks I don't see that happening. That, and it's only on one set of leaves. I think it might have been when I sprayed the leaves while they were still young, but I did it about 6 hours before the lights came on. Maybe the water didn't dry up fast enough? Not heat stress either, since that was killing her before, and I fixed that issue. Any ideas?

2. Sexing- Not sure if I got terms right here. I know what sex she is, as you can see in the pics. Are these pre-flowers or what? There are another set on the node above it as well. I have been going for a little while now, and I changed my light setup from only 2 flouros to 6 CFL's (5 daylight and one warm white, all 100W), so from about 3400 lumens (if that) to 6400 lumens. I am estimating that it is about 5 to 7 weeks old, and I am confused when I should start flowering this plant.

So anyway, any help or advice is greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
1) start of nitrogen deficiencie(high N is needed)
2)not sure if I understand question 2. pre flowers? talking about the new limb growth?


Active Member
Well I didn't even think of that...I have flushed my plant's soil like twice now for various reasons, and never given anything back! I am going to foliar feed until I can water again. As for question #2, I was hoping to get some advice on when I should put the plant into it's flowering cycle. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I personaly go about 5-6 wks of veg and then switch lights to 12/12 and my flowering cycle starts, I'd say around 2-3 wks and you start to see bud sights.
good luck
toss up some pic when they are done!