Two questions


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I need a little guidance. I’m growing 2 super skunk autos in my closet.....shhh don’t tell
Seriously they are on day 30 of 18/6, under a HLG 320 xl....actual is 340 I believe. They started in solo cups and day 13 I moved them to 3 gal smart pots. They’re in 100% FFOF...and the only thing I’ve given other than water is a tiny dose of fish sh!t. Other than being vertically challenged I believe they are doing fine. Now my issues and questions:
1. I originally had my light cranked up to full power. Around day 20 I was told to turn it down to around 70%, which I did. One of the plants is starting to flower slightly, while the other is about a week behind. I need to know when I should turn up the intensity on my light? I was thinking once both are clearly flowering, to turn it up....but I’d love to hear from someone who knows for certain.
2. Obviously FFOF is amended and is supposed to be turnkey for 4 weeks, give or take. What should I be looking for as an indicator that the soil has depleted all nutes and its time for me to start adding ??
Right now part of the soil is 30 days old, but the majority is only 17 I’m unsure how to gauge things.
Thanks in advance for any and all comments or suggestions......if there is anything else you’d like to bring to my attention, please do.
I need all the help I can get. 3EDCD77C-687D-44FE-977C-BDED9E941E19.jpeg3EDCD77C-687D-44FE-977C-BDED9E941E19.jpeg
Seeing leaf tip blanche from excess nitrogen. Not seeing any deficiency. Can't see the newest growth well. Consider adding cal mag feed because you're in the window for calcium deficiency to start showing.
Seeing leaf tip blanche from excess nitrogen. Not seeing any deficiency. Can't see the newest growth well. Consider adding cal mag feed because you're in the window for calcium deficiency to start showing.
Thanks for the help.....I just took the two pics attached, so u should get a good look at the new I correct that the plant is beginning to flower?
I’ve noticed some leaves turning yellow at the very tips. And u believe that to be too much nitrogen?? It has to be coming from the soil as I’ve only given it plain water.
I’ll pick up some cal/mag and give a light dose.
I’m still unsure on the issue of when to give nutrients once the soil is depleted.....some have said the plants will tell me, but I’m not sure I speak their language......
Thanks 2385BD79-8ABA-43C7-9CF5-62BC25EFB061.jpeg11C2800D-02AC-4D36-9058-2F3C2F3317F2.jpeg2385BD79-8ABA-43C7-9CF5-62BC25EFB061.jpeg11C2800D-02AC-4D36-9058-2F3C2F3317F2.jpeg
You are asking now so the plants are asking now for food right?
Me no understand your question...sorry. I’d like to know what will happen when the amended soil runs out of nutrients. FFOF is supposed to have approx 4 weeks of nutes, but some people report it lasting much longer......I don’t want to give the plants too much, so I’d like to be able to recognize when i should start feeding.
Me no understand your question...sorry. I’d like to know what will happen when the amended soil runs out of nutrients. FFOF is supposed to have approx 4 weeks of nutes, but some people report it lasting much longer......I don’t want to give the plants too much, so I’d like to be able to recognize when i should start feeding.
Those plants aren't big enough to run out of nutrients far as I can see
Me no understand your question...sorry. I’d like to know what will happen when the amended soil runs out of nutrients. FFOF is supposed to have approx 4 weeks of nutes, but some people report it lasting much longer......I don’t want to give the plants too much, so I’d like to be able to recognize when i should start feeding.
This is what happens
Those plants aren't big enough to run out of nutrients far as I can see
Hey...size isn’t everything You just watch, my plants are gonna have buds the size of horse droppings. The biggest jets take the longest runways....
They are small and, believe me, if I could snap my fingers and make them 6 feet tall I’d do it.
Be that as it may, I’m simply trying to learn what to look for to show me that the amended soil is depleted and it’s time for me to supply the nutes.
Will the leaves begin to yellow? Will there be a siren with flashing lights erupting?
There are so many different ways to get a plant across the finish line, it gets confusing. Then when you have an issue with your grow, it seems that everyone has a different diagnosis and solution.
No doubt much of what works is learned through trial and error.....but I digress.
Thanks to all that responded.
Hey...size isn’t everything You just watch, my plants are gonna have buds the size of horse droppings. The biggest jets take the longest runways....
They are small and, believe me, if I could snap my fingers and make them 6 feet tall I’d do it.
Be that as it may, I’m simply trying to learn what to look for to show me that the amended soil is depleted and it’s time for me to supply the nutes.
Will the leaves begin to yellow? Will there be a siren with flashing lights erupting?
There are so many different ways to get a plant across the finish line, it gets confusing. Then when you have an issue with your grow, it seems that everyone has a different diagnosis and solution.
No doubt much of what works is learned through trial and error.....but I digress.
Thanks to all that responded.

I'm pretty sure he brought up the size as how much food they use is relative to their size.

The first thing you'll notice as they deplete the nutes is a yellowing of the older fan leaves down low. As they begin flowering they will feed heavier so if it's going to happen it will happen soonish tho the bulk of the soil is relatively fresh so could be a while yet.

As autos continue to grow in size as they flower they will easily be twice their size when done. The ones I grew outside were smaller than yours when they began flowering and got to 32" with big phat colas at chopping time. Will be growing more of those outside next year for sure.

What kind of nutes have you got for this stage of growth as they transition to flower? Stuff like fish ferts are slow to become available to the plants so it needs to go in before the plants really need it to so it's there when they do. Hydro nutes are there immediately but not everyone's cup of coffee.

Edit: Don't worry about those tiney yellow tips on the leaves. Every damn strain I grow gets those. If it starts doing that all up the tips of the edges then it's time to back off the nutes if feeding nutes.

I'm pretty sure he brought up the size as how much food they use is relative to their size.

The first thing you'll notice as they deplete the nutes is a yellowing of the older fan leaves down low. As they begin flowering they will feed heavier so if it's going to happen it will happen soonish tho the bulk of the soil is relatively fresh so could be a while yet.

As autos continue to grow in size as they flower they will easily be twice their size when done. The ones I grew outside were smaller than yours when they began flowering and got to 32" with big phat colas at chopping time. Will be growing more of those outside next year for sure.

What kind of nutes have you got for this stage of growth as they transition to flower? Stuff like fish ferts are slow to become available to the plants so it needs to go in before the plants really need it to so it's there when they do. Hydro nutes are there immediately but not everyone's cup of coffee.

Edit: Don't worry about those tiney yellow tips on the leaves. Every damn strain I grow gets those. If it starts doing that all up the tips of the edges then it's time to back off the nutes if feeding nutes.

I bought the fox farms trio along with some cha-Ching and something else for midway through flowering. Obviously I haven’t used any of them yet. I was set on just using those until I read about not using any nutes with Ocean Forest....instead simply top dress with more Ocean Forest and call it a day...maybe need a touch of cal/mag but nothing else. This option seems too easy...
Ok, so this will def show my lack of experience, but how do you know if your plant is growing like it’s supposed to OR it’s not?? What I mean is when you don’t have any glaring problems and the plant looks relatively healthy....but it’s taking it’s time getting bigger. I know genetically some are short and squatty while others are taller, etc etc.
I hear people talk about their plants stunting for various reasons. How do you know if it’s stunting due to something negative or just a short grower due to genetics?
Ok, so this will def show my lack of experience, but how do you know if your plant is growing like it’s supposed to OR it’s not?? What I mean is when you don’t have any glaring problems and the plant looks relatively healthy....but it’s taking it’s time getting bigger. I know genetically some are short and squatty while others are taller, etc etc.
I hear people talk about their plants stunting for various reasons. How do you know if it’s stunting due to something negative or just a short grower due to genetics?
Autos will grow the size you allow them to. Seems most people grow small autos in soil at first. Takes experience to get everything correct enough to get a big plant.

In hydro autos can grow p big.

If your plant is nice and green that is about all you can ask for. With experience you will learn how to properly feed your plant and they will get bigger with each grow.
Best advice I can give is be happy you have a nice green plant. It will be the size it is. Some grow small some grow tall. Just look at it and smile you will have something to smoke.
Plus it could look slow growing above ground and still be growing roots underground. Not all growth is above surface. It’s an auto, let it do it’s thing and keep it as simple as possible. You could try that too feed method someone else suggested with one of the plants, never know, yes, it could be that easy.
Best advice I can give is be happy you have a nice green plant. It will be the size it is. Some grow small some grow tall. Just look at it and smile you will have something to smoke.
I hear ya...and I’m thrilled to be growing. It seems that my choice of soil, Ocean Forest, kinda took most of the control away.....which I thought would be a good thing. I bought a pretty good light (HLG 320XL) and figured the turn-key soil would keep me from screwing things up until I learned more.
Long story but I haven’t smoked but a handful of times in the past 15 before that it was daily for many yrs....Then came Marriage, kids, and work issues which kept me from indulging......then I noticed when I did get the chance it would throw me into the worst case of paranoia/panic ever. So I just stopped.
But I miss the aesthetics and, more than anything I miss the smell and taste.
So a while back I said if it becomes legal, I’ll try again, but it’s gonna be what I grow myself.
My state just legalized and I couldn’t believe my wife said she didn’t care if I grew. So I ran to the local hydroponic shop like my hair was on fire.
$800 later I was up and running. And maybe with the help of you kind folks I’ll have my office smelling like a skunk orgy.
Sorry to ramble.....
Plus it could look slow growing above ground and still be growing roots underground. Not all growth is above surface. It’s an auto, let it do it’s thing and keep it as simple as possible. You could try that too feed method someone else suggested with one of the plants, never know, yes, it could be that easy.
Are u referring to top dressing with more of the FFOF? I think I’m def gonna do that with one of the makes too much sense not to try. I can’t get over the comment that someone made, saying that every time they opened a bottle (of liquid nutes) something died.
Are u referring to top dressing with more of the FFOF? I think I’m def gonna do that with one of the makes too much sense not to try. I can’t get over the comment that someone made, saying that every time they opened a bottle (of liquid nutes) something died.
Yeah keeping it simple is the best way. I overdid my last run and burned to shit 2 out of 3 plants. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to find out bare minimums with nutrients that your plant like. Instead of pushing maximum limits, me, personally will be focusing on pushing minimal limits.
also mind you I am now in coco and not soil. I love the buffer of soil, but can’t get past the speedy growth of coco
Yeah keeping it simple is the best way. I overdid my last run and burned to shit 2 out of 3 plants. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to find out bare minimums with nutrients that your plant like. Instead of pushing maximum limits, me, personally will be focusing on pushing minimal limits
Yes I think I’ll wait patiently until the Forest Ocean looks like it’s depleted and top dress with more of it. That may not win me the cup but I’m betting it will get them across the finish line and into the mason jar....I hope it’s jars, as in more than one but I’ll be happy regardless.