two problems need help


Active Member
basically i threw a seed in a pot outside and it grew and im pretty sure that it is a female because it has white hairs growing out of the top but i have a i have to bring it inside because its getting too cold outside and was wondering the best way to start the lighting because its only about 10 inches tall and i would like to grow it more before buds develop


Active Member
since it is already 10 inches tall and is showing sex signs i would build a small box and use cfls. i would suggest a Tupperware and put it on 12/12 right from the begining. Not really sure what size or watt cfls you should use for the plant, since you only have one. The chances of failure seem to be high in your scenario, what are you outdoor temps?


Active Member
during the day its probably about 70 but at night its been dropping to 50-60 so i brought it in as soon as i could and it seems to be doing better. i put the lights at 24 and topped it off so hopefully it will start to get taller