Two (hopefully) easy problems


Active Member
Heres a picture of what im looking at, these moldy looking bits aren't native to the soil because i'm growing some clones of the plant that dont have any of these... anybody know what it is, what it do, and what I should do about it?

Secondly there are two tiny leaves growing out of each node, much much smaller than other leaves, but they keep dying!? nothing else around them is dying, just those little baby leaves. Is that ok? Heres a picture



Well-Known Member
You are one sick fuck if you toke Geranium leaves ....dude!!! ...I have one of the largest collections in my neighborhood,
Every home external grower should grow these, just for keeping bugs down in their zone, easy peezy to grow and live in any soil, moldy bits just leave them alone a quick clean up and prune before winter and some nute waste of your canna soil is all she needs.

pic 2 is a node and is good to grow
These are geranium flowers also called Pelargoniums more here: