Two guys busted rolling their grow op down the street

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So they were moving a grow box, with some 'residue' on the bottom?


That's almost like getting caught with a scale with residue on it, but NO actual drugs!


he probably had the mentality that there was no weed present so he was gonna be good
but cant be trusting of cops... obviously i wouldnt have said seen or heard ANYTHING... officer.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
"It turned out to be a large self-contained marijuana-growing unit, with lights, fans and a watering system inside, said Police Chief Joseph Massey. "It's the first time I can remember when we have seized such an elaborate, sophisticated, self-contained unit," he said Wednesday.
Police have seen sheds and garages converted into marijuana-growing operations with makeshift watering systems, but the metal box is unusual, Massey said. "This is very elaborate and high-tech; it has the ability to automatically turn on the watering and other systems by electronic means." "

This makes me feel good about my newly constructed locking metal grow cabinet.


Well-Known Member
You'd swear they took down a farm, that thing can supply a handfull of people maybe, not sure it could supply me enough.